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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 9, No. 10

Publication Date: October 25, 2021

DOI:10.14738/abr.910.11015. Kholil, Ariani, N., & Setiawan, D. A. B. (2021). Selection the best strategy for Comercialization Trygona Honey in the Time of Past

Covid 19 Pandemic Using SAST and ECM: A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara. Archives of Business Research, 9(10).


Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom

Selection the best strategy for Comercialization Trygona Honey in

the Time of Past Covid 19 Pandemic Using SAST and ECM

A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara


Faculty of engineering, Sahid Jakarta University

Nafiah Ariani

Fakulty of Economic and Business, Sahid Jakarta University

Dan Aris Budy Setiawan

Faculty of Economic and Management Gunadarma University


Covid 19 has a very serious impact on small and medium businesses in Indonesia,

There are only a few SMEs are able to survive. The trygona honey home industry is

one of them. This business has been developed by most of the people of North

Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. But they do not know to commercialize their products

in order to increase their income and ensure sustainability of the business. The

main objective of this study is to analyze and develop share value chain that

encourages and increasing business actors's income. Data collection through

experts discussion and field study and then analyzed using Strategic Assumption

Surfacing and Testing (SAST) and Exponential Comparison Matrix (ECM). The

Results of Study showed that honey producers sell their products to companies

through collectors at low prices, while the greater profits are enjoyed by collectors

and companies. The most important aspects for share value chain is development

of Value Chain interconnectivity system as a matching institution between honey

producers and the market by involving BUMDES (Villages Owned Enterprise). While

the most appropriate strategy to comercialize trygona honey is value added system

at the producer.

Key Words: Covid 19 Pandemic; Trygona Honey; value added; BUMDES


The impact of Covid-19 is severe on the socio-economic life of the community, especially for the

people of North Lombok. It is dire because the economic and social issues have not been

recovered due to the July-28 earthquake. They have to face new pressures related to

government policies regarding health protocols, especially social distancing, must stay at home,

and prohibition of gathering. Almost all productive activities of the community, who are still in

the recovery process, have stopped (Soebagiyo1, S., and Arifin Sri Hascaryo, 2015; Kholil,Nafiah

Ariany, Dian Karsoma, 2021)

One of the strategies to restore the socio-economic conditions of the community is to build

productive community activities based on superior natural resources and by the local

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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 9, Issue 10, October-2021

Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom

community's culture so that sustainability can be more guaranteed. Trigona honey is a home

industry developed by almost 70% of the people of North Lombok. This Covid-19 pandemic

does not affect the activities of this home industry; the demand tends to increase, along with

the rise in public awareness of their immunity (Kholil, Nafiah Ariany, Dian Karsoma, 2021).

Based on the lab analysis results, this honey has vast properties and contains multivitamins and

other substances not found in other honey. Trigona honey is a good source of energy and

nutrition, as an anti-allergy, and can increase the body's vitality (Saraswanti Indogenetech,


However, most beekeepers still do not know the nutritional content of trigona honey. Besides,

they do not include nutritional content labels and packaging in their products, making it a low

price: IDR 200 thousand per 600 millilitres. This price is still classified as underpricing since it

does not provide a reasonable profit for beekeepers who work day and night. Meanwhile, the

collectors can get a net profit of IDR 25,000 to IDR 50,000 for every 500 ml.

The main problem faced by Trigona beekeepers is the "supply chain," which has not been well

organized and built so that the beekeepers have not received a fair price. There is not yet a

model to help the marketing process of products that provide better profits for beekeepers.

Besides that, beekeepers tend to sell individually, directly, without going through an institution

that can protect the interests of beekeepers so that their bargaining position is better. Not a few

beekeepers are tied to collectors because loans bind them, so they have no other choice but to

sell them at relatively cheaper prices.

Another thing that makes trigona beekeepers unimproved is the human resources with no

management skills to manage a business. There is no institution that beekeepers able to

collaborate and synergize in business development to increase their income. In addition, these

home-based industry actors consider their activities to be just a sideline, that is, not the primary

activity to support the family economy even though they have excellent potential, especially in

this era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This research aims to build a business model and downstream that can be the basis for the

commercialization of trigona honey following the objective conditions to ensure that this home

industry business activity can be sustainable and provide fairer benefits to the parties involved.

These research results are urgent for the trigona honey home industry actors to develop their

business, especially in marketing and increased income. Thus, it can accelerate the economic

recovery of the Lombok people due to the devastating earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic.


North Lombok is a very potential area as a tourist destination. There are various natural

attractions in this area, including the Three Gilis consisting of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and

Gili Air; Mount Rinjani, Sendang Gile Waterfall, Tiu Kelep Waterfall, and several others. North

Lombok is the worst affected area due to the earthquake that occurred on July 28 and August

5, and the COVID-19 pandemic lasting for more than 1.6 years, so most of the community's

economic activities have stopped. Developing productive community activities through SMEs

under the community's superior potential and culture is necessary to accelerate the economic

recovery (DJKN Kemenkeu, 2018; Kholil, Nugroho B. Sukamdani, and N. Nurhayati, 2016;

Sunarso, 2010). One of the productive activities following the outstanding potential of local

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Kholil, Ariani, N., & Setiawan, D. A. B. (2021). Selection the best strategy for Comercialization Trygona Honey in the Time of Past Covid 19 Pandemic

Using SAST and ECM: A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara. Archives of Business Research, 9(10). 249-260.


natural resources and involving the community is the trigona honey home industry, a family

economic activity integrated with household activities (DJKN Kemenkeu, 2018; Sarma., Farida

Ratna Dewi dan Edward H Siregar, 2014). This home industry, primarily managed by women,

has a fundamental role in supporting the family economy (Elkhalek, Ismail Hussein Ismail,

2019; Husain, Li Xiao Xiao. 2016). Furthermore, women have the tenacity and patience in

developing a business to grow and last longer (Husain, Li Xiao Xiao,2016). The potential of

women is tremendous when viewed from the population; therefore, it needs to extend to the

fullest (Andersson, D Johansson; J. Karlsson; M. Lodefalk; A. Poldahl,2018; Orser and Allan

Riding, 2018).

A home industry with many potential and involves many people must be developed

immediately to recover the economy and social of the community due to the earthquake and

the COVID-19 pandemic. Trigona Honey has been identified as the most potential home

industry according to the objective conditions of the community because more than 60% of

the community have been farming trigona bees as a supporter of the family economy (Kholil,

Nafiah Ariany, Dian Karsoma. 2021; Bappeda Lombok Utara, 2020). Trigona honey is produced

by trigona bees (klanceng), a small propolis-producing bee known to be very beneficial for

human health. Compared to others, the advantage of this type of bee is that it lives freely in the

forest and lives in colonies of about 2000 to 3000 per colony. This trigona bee is tiny and is very

active to utilize various kinds of flower nectar. The bee can penetrate even the most petite

flowers, which ordinary bees cannot. These advantages make trigona bees much more

manageable to keep because of the ease of finding food (Wardani, 2018). From the advantages

possessed by the trigona bee, the honey produced by the trigona bee has a lot of nutritional

content obtained from a collection of various kinds of nectar. Trigona bee honey has also been

proven to be very high-quality honey. Trigona bees are easy to keep, do not sting, and do not

need to provide exceptional food because they eat plants/flowers' nectar. Trigona bees are very

potential to be cultivated. Besides being simple and improving the community's welfare, they

are also friendly to humans (Tato, 2019; Kiral, 2019).

This high-prospect trigona honey business has not yet been appropriately managed; the

marketing is done traditionally: the honey is sold directly (in litre), without packaging and

labelling, making the price low. Besides that, no institution can accommodate production

results and help the market to buyers (Kholil,Nafiah Ariany, Dian Karsoma, 2021; Bappeda

Lombok Utara, 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to design a business model for the downstream

production process to run even better. Besides that, it is also required to have an institution

that can bring together honey producers and honey buyers. A business model analysis becomes

very important to help this downstream process. Business models are widely used for mapping

market potential and products in the market, whether they can be accepted or rejected by

consumers. The business model mapping using the Bussiness Model Canvas approach (Verrue,

2014) is a pretty popular method. Business Model Canvas is an analytical tool to describe,

visualize, assess, and change business models. This business model will map several elements:

Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Channel, Customer Relationship, Revenue Stream, Key

Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnership, and Cost Structure (Osterwalder,2021). This

business model analysis can identify potential customers, budget structures, and business

development in a more directed way. A business model has a very strategic function and

significantly determines the operational activities and business strategy of a product. An