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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 10, No. 1
Publication Date: January 25, 2022
DOI:10.14738/abr.101.11529. Amri, K., Kholil, K., & Widowati, D. (2022). The Effect of Organizational Communication, Transformational Leadership and
Organizational Learning to OSH Performance: A Case Study in PT Waskita Karya. Archives of Business Research, 10(01). 1-11.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
The Effect of Organizational Communication, Transformational
Leadership and Organizational Learning to OSH Performance: A
Case Study in PT Waskita Karya
Amri K.
Doctoral Student of Communication Science
Sahid Unicersity Jakarta
Kholil Kholil
Post Graduate School of Sahid University
Dewi Widowati
London School of Public Relation
Cases of work accidents are still happening today, including the construction
service company. It indicates that the safety performance of construction service
companies is not optimal, so it is important and needs to be investigated, especially
safety culture, organizational communication, learning organization, and
transformational leadership. Hence, this study explores the role of organizational
communication in mediating the influence of transformational leadership and
learning organization on safety culture and safety performance. The study used a
quantitative approach through a survey with a questionnaire instrument designed
on a Likert scale. The participant is 218 workers of PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Tbk. Data analysis using structural equation modeling. The results
showed that transformational leadership, learning organization, and safety culture
had a positive and significant direct effect on work safety performance and safety
culture, in addition the result also confirm that the key success factor for safety
performance is organizational communication. Based on these findings,
practically it is recommended that organizational communication among the
workforce needs to be improved continuously to make a greater contribution to
safety culture and performance.
Keywords: organizational communication, transformational leadership, organizational
learning organization, safety culture, safety performance.
Work accidents can be still found in Indonesia. As an illustration, in 2019, there were 157,313
accidents. This shows that the work safety performance is not optimal. Work safety
performance is the behavior shown by employees to promote and comply with safety in the
workplace which is reflected in the safety compliance and safety participation.
Wirahadikusumah and Ferial (2005) show that the low level of compliance of construction
implementers to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines is a trigger for work
accidents. This also indicates that the cultural values of work safety in the construction services
sector have not been upheld by construction workers. Fang et al. (2006) stated that safety
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 10, Issue 1, January-2022
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
culture, especially in construction projects, is an important factor since most of the works is
still done by humans. In addition, Fang et al (2006) said that safety culture can be used as the
basis for developing safety management strategies. Chen et al. (2018) proved that safety culture
has an effect on work safety performance. Work accidents tend to be dominated by unsafe
behavior (Afandi et al., 2014). On the other hand, the implementation of an occupational health
and safety management system is an organizational and managerial approach to creating a
safety culture within the company (Cooper, 2001).
However, Bosak et al. (2013) emphasized that OSH regulations in companies can be an
additional burden for workers, in terms of production targets that must be met. This condition,
among other things, triggers a work safety culture that has not worked well. Less optimal safety
performance can also be influenced by transformational leadership, namely the leader’s
capability to influence, motivate, manage activities and interactions between individuals that
allows others to build vision and self-confidence. Therefore, they can contribute to the
achievement of organizational goals as reflected in the influence of idealism, inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual judgment. If a construction service company
can provide effective transformational leadership, it has the potential to encourage increased
safety performance.
Lievens and Vlerick (2014) stated that transformational leadership has a positive impact on
nurses’ safety performance. Work safety performance can also be influenced by learning
organizations, namely organizations with people who continuously expand their capacity to
create the desired results by nurturing new thinking and patterns of expansion, collective
aspirations are set free, and people are continually learning how to learn together, as reflected
in managerial commitment, systems perspective, openness and experimentation, and transfer
and integration of knowledge. If the learning organization in a construction service company is
well established, it can improve work safety performance. Karim and Rahman (2018) revealed
that learning organizations have an effect on performance, including work safety performance.
Organizational communication is the process of sending and receiving messages within groups
in either formal or informal organization (DeVito, 1997). In addition, organizational
communication is the process of creating, sending, and receiving messages in a complex system,
involving integrated internal and external network relationships, containing individual work to
manage organizational ambiguity and achieve results or goals (Baldwin, Perry & Moffitt, 2004).
Moreover, organizational communication reflects patterns, networks, and communication
systems within an organization that are designed with the aim that organizational members
work effectively to achieve organizational goals (Febrial & Anik, 2020). In a subjective
perspective, organizational communication is the organizational behavior and how those
involved in the process transact and give meaning to what is happening. In this perspective, the
emphasis is on the process of creating meaning for interactions that create, maintain, and
change organizations. While the objective definition is the activity of handling messages
contained within an organizational boundary. In this perspective, the emphasis is on
communication as a tool that allows people to adapt to their environment (Ernika, 2016).
So et al. (2018) stated that organizational communication determines how organizational
culture is distributed throughout the company. Barrett (2011) saind that organizational
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Amri, K., Kholil, K., & Widowati, D. (2022). The Effect of Organizational Communication, Transformational Leadership and Organizational Learning to
OSH Performance: A Case Study in PT Waskita Karya. Archives of Business Research, 10(01). 1-11.
communication is built on core skills. There are skills that individuals need when they interact
with other people, either one-on-one, with groups, or in a broader organizational context.
Organizational communication skills begin with emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills,
which are needed to interact effectively with others as individuals or groups. Furthermore, this
section covers literacy and cross-cultural communication, which involves the ability to
understand and appreciate cultural differences and communicate successfully across and
working in different cultures. The communications section of the organization includes leading
meetings and managing teams, both of which are important skills for the leaders.
Transformational leadership deals with motivating people to overcome their personal interests
for the good of the group (Bateman & Snell, 2015). According to Miller (2009), transformational
leadership is leadership through a communication process, creating a relationship between
leader and follower that helps followers reach their full potential and has the potential to
change both leaders and followers. In practice, transformational leaders are able to influence
others by using charisma, paying attention to followers, and stimulating others (Ivancevich,
Kanopaske, & Matteson, 2016). Transformational leadership is needed by organizations in
order to grow, develop, and compete. The transformational leadership model produces
significant organizational changes because this form of leadership emphasizes a higher level of
intrinsic motivation, trust, commitment, and loyalty from subordinates (Kinicki & Kreitner,
2012). Transformational leadership focuses on how leaders create good performance from
followers through transcending self-interested behavior by demonstrating a high need for self- actualization, holding personal values, and implicating motivation of followers. The point is a
common bond between leaders and followers in a mutually beneficial goal (Gupta & Surie,
2004). Shen et al. (2017) stated that transformational leadership is very important in
construction safety management.
A learning organization is an organization that has developed its capacity to continuously learn,
adapt, and change (Robbins & Coutler, 2016). Learning organization is organization that
focuses on improving learning and knowledge disseminated throughout the company (Drafke,
2009). White and Burton (2007) stated that organizational learning is the acquisition of
knowledge through the application and mastery of new information, tools, and methods. Jerez- Gomez, Cespedes-Lorente, and Valle-Cabrera (2005) said that measuring learning
organizations can be done through several dimensions as follows: (a) managerial commitment
including managerial support, shared vision and mental models, personal efficacy, leadership
management, strategic direction, leadership and intentions, involved leadership, facilitative
leadership, and learning orientation; (b) systems perspective including shared vision, systems
thinking, systems perspective, clarity of vision intent, and systems orientation; (c) openness
and experimentation including openness to new ideas, independent problem solving,
continuous innovation, culture of experimentation, integration of external knowledge,
creativity, continuous learning, learning from past experiences, learning from others,
entrepreneurship, and operational variety; and (d) knowledge transfer and integration
including teamwork, team learning, internal knowledge integration, knowledge transfer, group
problem solving, and team orientation.
Safety culture is related to the organization. Hudson in Lyndon et al. (2015) and Chen et al.
(2018) define safety culture as the shared values, cognitions, commitments, beliefs,
communication and attitudes and norms of organizational members that influence their safety