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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 10, No. 2
Publication Date: February 25, 2022
DOI:10.14738/abr.102.11708. Almufarji, M. B. S. B. A., & Husin, N. A. (2022). The Characteristics of Resilient Organizations Within Crisis Management: A General
Review of the Sultanate of Oman’s Response to Cyclone Shaheen During October 2021. Archives of Business Research, 10(02). 1-
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The Characteristics of Resilient Organizations Within Crisis
Management: A General Review of the Sultanate of Oman’s
Response to Cyclone Shaheen During October 2021
Mohamed Bin Salim Bin Abdullah Almufarji
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia
Associate Prof. Dr. Nor Azilah Husin
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor, Malaysia
Purpose: This paper examines crisis management literature, and historical rare
events, alongside a recent rare event. The purpose of the paper is to ask whether
we, as an industry, are achieving the resilience that technology, and changing
societies require, and are those societies responding effectively to the challenge of
the diversity of this century’s global organizational resilience factor needs, of which
climate change is just one. The paper seeks to facilitate a wider understanding of
the organizational resilience, institutional, and individual limitations, and failures,
contributing to those rare events. Originality: It is clear that with each decade, each
generation, a lack of imagination appears to have corrupted institutional,
organizational, and management responses. During this original literary
presentation, in each situation, whether man-made or natural, greater imagination
or foresight in the application of resilience processes may not have prevented the
event, however they would almost without exception have mitigated the losses.
Approach: Presenting these events in this manner offers real, relatable situations,
and should therefore be more contextual to the reality and purpose of resilience as
an organizational quality. Although the exercise may appear simplistic, simplicity
should not be confused with clarity and candour of an enquiry-based learning
implementation where the research is adapted to respond to its contemporary
environment, and is encouraged by a dearth of plain-speaking analysis of
contemporary responses. Findings: This review of the reaction and response of the
Oman National Emergency Management Centre to the challenges presented by
Cyclone Shaheen, their preparedness, response effectiveness, and recovery... their
organizational resilience.
Keywords: resilience, organizational, crisis management, coping, anticipation.
The likely impacts of ongoing climate change, reported Al Kalbani “will cause serious damage
to the economy of Oman which already suffers from aridity, soil salinity, recurrent drought and
water scarcity.”[1]. Thus, the response to weather patterns in the Gulf of Oman has proven a
driving force towards coherent crisis management in the region. Initially, scholars appeared
united in their definition of organizational resilience with Horne [10] defining simply, the
ability to reverse adversity,” and the following year, he simplified this definition to read as the
“ability to recover.” However, these appear significantly more generic, linguistic definitions
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 10, Issue 2, February-2022
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with Oxford Languages offering two responses, “the capacity to recover from difficulty,
toughness,” and “the ability of an object to spring back into shape, elasticity.” Both are, in
simplistic notions, correct, however across the following twenty years, organizational
resilience has seen scholars divert from the simplistic to the complex and use associative
vocabulary, synonyms and paraphrasing to express their own brands of resilience, which,
despite Annarelli and Nonino’s [2], insistence that, “academic literature has reached a shared
consensus on the definition of resilience,” in the construct that has become organizational and
institutional management, that is clearly debatable. The vocabulary of a long list of scholars
includes ‘rare events’ [17] ‘surprises’ [17] ‘disruptions’ [12] ‘crises’ [22] ‘adaptation’[15]and
‘survival’ [13] just a few that emerge from the research, affirming that while there is common
ground, consensus remains elusive. Organizational resilience is a complex organism, in that its
effectiveness is both influenced by individuals, organizations, infrastructure, logistics,
capability, and preparedness factors, while it also meaningfully influences community and
societal security, coherent rural and urban responses, and consequences. In fact, Ruiz-Martin
et al [24] went further, stating that organizational or institutional resilience is, “influenced by
resilient individuals, resilience engineering, infrastructure resilience, cyber resilience, system
resilience, supply chain resilience and business resilience, and in turn influences community
resilience, societal resilience, economic resilience, city or urban resilience, territory resilience
and socio-ecological resilience.” Ducheck [8] explains that there are three key
conceptualizations of organizational resilience that will withstand scrutiny, being those that
treat resilience as an outcome, as an explanation of processes, and those that focus on
capabilities, and perhaps is insistent that all three therefore require analysis or audit in the
wake of, and here we will use the original description, a ‘rare event.’ The outcome, of course,
will be the first element reconstructed as it is an immediate, and very human response to
traumatic events. Who is well? Who is not? Who still needs us? What do we need to do to make
this better? Can we, in fact, put Humpty Dumpty back together again? Which begs the question
that, in all circumstances, in all situations, in all rare events, is response the most desired, and
functionality the most necessary, in terms of organizational resilience? In asking whether we,
as an industry, are achieving the resilience that technology, and changing societies require, and
are those societies responding effectively to the challenge of the diversity of this century’s
global organizational resilience factor needs. Rationalizing historical rare events, as Ducheck
[10] explained, in the light of contemporary organizational resilience processes, may prove
valuable in predicting, not the events, but certainly organizational preparedness and its ability
to effectively respond to their needs. The qualitative depiction of the rare events reviewed in
the following section has been presented as much to explore their diversity as their
prominence, and while there have been greater events, greater disasters, and greater loss of
life, it was that broad diversity of events that the paper sought to include. The decision to review
the Omani reaction through the pages of local media reporting is a reflection of the general
difficulty in obtaining reliable documentation and statistics through ministerial and
governmental agencies. What soon becomes apparent is the unwitting nature of the events
when they are examined retrospectively, and this should not be left to hindsight, but utilized as
part of an educational, learning process in a loosely structured comparison of the events. An
examination of immediate media was the key to the initial approach to examining the Sultanate
of Oman’s response to Cyclone Shaheen. It was clear that sections of the media were allowed
significantly more reporting freedom throughout the crisis, and along with social media, the
population remained well informed throughout, even though there is a cultural tendency
against circulating adverse news. It is clear that being environmentally, climate change aware,