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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 10, No. 3
Publication Date: March 25, 2022
DOI:10.14738/abr.103.12053. Sari, S. R. S., & Nilasari, B. M. (2022). Antecedents of Turnover Intention on the Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province. Archives
of Business Research, 10(03). 235-250.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Antecedents of Turnover Intention on the Manufacturing
Industry in Banten Province
Salsabila Rizky Septinia Sari
Magister Management, Faculty of Business and Economics
Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
B. Medina Nilasari
Magister Management, Faculty of Business and Economics
Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
The objective of the empirical study is to analyse the effect of HRM Practices, Work
Family Conflict, Supervisor Support on Turnover Intention mediated by Work
Engagement. The data used in this study is primary data taken through by
distributing questionnaires using purposive sampling method involving 195
respondents in the manufacturing industry in Banten province, Indonesia. The
analytical tools in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS
version 21. The results of this study are the HRM Practices, Work Family Conflict,
Supervisor Support have an influence on Work Engagement and also on Turnover
Intention. In the next result, Work Engagement can mediate the effect of HRM
Practices on Turnover Intention, Work Family Conflict on Turnover Intention, and
Supervisor Support on Turnover Intention. From the results of this study, it is
recommended for managers to maintain a low employee turnover rate by
increasing employee engagement and encouraging employee growth, so as to
achieve effective management performance supported by positive energy and
emotional attachment to work.
Keywords: HRM Practices; Supervisor Support; Turnover Intention; Work Family
Conflict; Work Engagement
Business organizations in the field of services and products desire to be able to achieve their
goals to keep growing. Organizations need to organize and manage resources where one of the
important assets is employees (Menezes et al., 2018). According to a survey of the Central
Statistics Agency's annual data report, it was found that the Open Unemployment Rate in
Banten Province in the last 5 years had a fluctuating percentage, expressed in the following
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 10, Issue 3, March-2022
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Figure 1. The Open Unemployment Rate of Banten Province - Indonesia
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics - Republic of Indonesia (2020)
Based on the data above, 2020 was the highest unemployment rate compared to 2015 to 2019
due to the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the employment sector in Indonesia. The regional
and social restriction policies followed by a reduction in operational working hours resulted in
the loss of working hours for employees to the loss of jobs. In addition, the high unemployment
rate is also caused by the Turnover Intention. According to the International Labor
Organization (ILO) data report, the labor sectors that require the most workers are the retail
and wholesale sectors, trade, transportation, real estate, restaurants, and manufacturing.
The manufacturing industry is one of the main drivers of economic growth in Indonesia
( Banten Province is one of the largest provinces that makes a significant
contribution to the regional and national economy and has approximately 20 industrial estates
in which there are 2,430 manufacturing industries which are still the center for the production
of goods and services ( The main capital in facing global competition is quality and
competitive manufacturing products. To be able to realize this, human resources are needed to
help increase the growth of an industry.
Turnover Intention is one of the special concerns of an organization because it leads to on
productivity, product and service quality, and the profitability of an organization (Belete, AK
2017). This phenomenon makes various organizations try to control the level of employee
turnover. A supervisor can use appropriate HRM Practices to provide a workplace that
motivates employees and reduces turnover intentions due to the emergence of higher trust and
lower intentions to leave the organization (Haque, Fernando, and Caputi, 2019). The value of
balance between work and family becomes important for an organization because conflicts
between areas of life will lead to several negative consequences for both individuals and
organizations. Thus, a balance between roles will reduce conflict so that the organization gets
a low turnover rate and employee retention which leads to organizational policies in order to
prevent employee turnover (Ribeiro et al., 2021). According to Harun, Mahmood, and Som
(2020), Work Family Conflict comes from the demands of working conditions that burden
family life, causing a decrease in work results, which then makes employees have the desire to
leave the organization. According to Pattnaik and Panda (2020) Supervisor Support, which is a
work resource, can help employees overcome problems and make employees feel that their
superiors support and care about their welfare. Supervisor Support is also part of the
employee's work environment that can help retain or cause them to stop working (Gordon et
al., 2019). Employees who are engaged in work will show low intention to move because
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Sari, S. R. S., & Nilasari, B. M. (2022). Antecedents of Turnover Intention on the Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province. Archives of Business
Research, 10(03). 235-250.
employees feel they have the best qualities and have a trusting relationship with the
organization (Tetteh et al., 2021). Yucel, Sirin, and Bas (2021) suggest that employees who face
conflict between family and work will experience fatigue, depression, and anxiety which result
in increased absenteeism and intention to move. Thus, the existence of Work Engagement is
important for the development of positive psychology and it is an issue that organizations
attach importance to employees who are engaged in work, have high energy at work, and try to
do work with a sense of responsibility.
HRM Practices
HRM Practices are a series of activities used to influence and shape employee attitudes,
behavior, and performance to ensure the achievement of organizational goals. HRM Practices
can directly or indirectly increase employee performance engagement, increase job satisfaction
and commitment, better career paths, intention to stay in the organization, lower absenteeism
rates, lower turnover, minimize work stress, and increase comfort at work. superiors,
subordinates, or co-workers (Al-Kahtani, 2018). A boss or supervisor can use appropriate HRM
Practices to provide a workplace that motivates employees and reduces turnover intentions
due to the emergence of higher trust and lower intentions to leave the organization (Haque,
Fernando, and Caputi, 2019).
Work Family Conflict
Work Family Conflict is a mismatch of work demands that prevents a person from fulfilling the
responsibilities of family roles, causing a conflict. Ribeiro et al., (2021) found that low levels of
Work Family Conflict will make employees have greater involvement because they can express
more positive emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, better physical and psychological
health. Work Family Conflict is considered to be able to increase stress that leads to Turnover
Intention, because ongoing conflict due to work will interfere with employees' personal
activities (Rasheed, Iqbal, and Mustafa, 2018).
Supervisor Support
Supervisor Support is a form of encouragement in which supervisors can be actively involved
in providing learning, developing skills, and being able to assist employees in solving various
work problems. Supervisor Support helps employees to cultivate a positive attitude towards
the organization so that they become motivated and produce high quality output through
increased Work Engagement (Kaur and Randhawa, 2021). Emotional feelings supported by
supervisors make employees more prepared to tolerate a stressful work environment and still
show higher levels of satisfaction and commitment, characterized by lower intentions to quit
work (Chami-Malaeb, 2021).
Work Engagement
Work Engagement is a state where employees are ready to hire and express themselves which
reflects employee participation in completing the work tasks to be carried out. Paul and Kee
(2020) explain that Work Engagement is a potential mediator between HRM Practices and
Turnover Intention supported by social exchange theory in which employees who receive
economic and social emotional resources in terms of HRM Practices feel obliged to repay the
organization through work involvement, commitment high, and the increase in work that
causes a decrease in intention to quit. According to Yucel, Sirin, and Bas (2021), organizations