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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 9, No. 1
Publication Date: January 25, 2021
Eshehri, A., & Alsoaery, A. (2021). Bridging the Gap or Widening the Divide? The Role of Technology in Global Economic Inequality.
Archives of Business Research, 9(1). 195-203.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Bridging the Gap or Widening the Divide?
The Role of Technology in Global Economic Inequality
Abdulrhman Eshehri
Abdulrahman Alsoaery
This article explores the relationship between technological advancements,
transnational capitalism, and the growing divide in global economic inequality. It
analyzes how developed nations' dominance in technology research and innovation
has contributed to the disproportionate distribution of wealth, productivity, and
economic development. By examining data such as G7 countries' investments in
research and development, accounting for over 88% of global expenditure, and
their holding of over 90% of patents filed in 2014, the article highlights the intricate
links between multinational corporations, technological diffusion, and global
inequality. The findings reveal that the concentration of technological
advancements in a few developed countries not only fuels global capitalism but also
exacerbates the economic disparities between rich and poor nations. The article
calls for a more equitable approach to technological development and diffusion to
bridge this widening gap.
Keywords: Global Economic, Technology, Inequality
Multinational corporations and technology and its diffusion are intricately linked with the
rising levels of global inequality. The contemporary digital age is characterized by
unprecedented technological advancements that have turned the world into an interconnected
global village. Massive technological advancements have fostered globalization and the notions
of transnational capital and labor that buttress the contemporary notion of global capitalism.
The emergence of transnational capitalism has promoted open trade, private and global
enterprises, and fostered massive increases in trade and investment flows; thus, spurring
improvement in national income and economic growth. However, advancements in technology
and the emergence of transnational capitalism have been characterized by a noteworthy
increase in global economic disparities and wealth inequalities. As various nations record
exponential economic growth due to technological advancements and increase in trade and
investment flows, the gap between the global rich and the poor has ballooned. Technology is at
the core of productivity and the disproportionate rate of technological advancement and
diffusion between the developed countries and developing nations through multinational
corporations has worsened global inequality.
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 9, Issue 1, January-2021
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
The Role of Technology in Productivity and Economic Development
Technology is integral in determining productivity, which helps explain uneven economic
development. Technology is conceptualized as the rules and ideas that direct the way goods are
produced (Alguacil et al., 2011; Wang & Lin, 2021; Sabadash, 2013). Therefore, the notion of
technology not only encompasses landmark and innovative software and hardware, but also
the ideas behind their operations. Notably, it is a widely acknowledged fact in the field of
economics that some countries are more technologically advanced compared to others (Coe &
Helpman, 1995). Developed countries, such as the U.S. and England, are more technologically
advanced compared to developing countries like Kenya and Myanmar. Technology plays a key
role in determining productivity that is defined as an outcome measure of technology (Coe et
al., 1997; Barbosa & Eiriz, 2009). Differences in technological advancements among countries
result in productivity variations that explain the wealth inequalities between rich and poor
nations (Wooster & Diebel, 2010). Practically, advanced technological knowledge enables
developed nations, such as the U.S., to produce more goods, thus dominating international trade
and gaining more wealth compared to developing nations that are mostly technologically inept.
Therefore, technology and productivity contribute to uneven economic development.
Investment Disparities in Technological Research and Development
Developed nations have invested intensively in technological research and development
compared to developing countries, thus fostering global economic inequalities. The main
difference in technological knowledge between rich and poor countries lies in the fact that the
developed countries have invested heavily in the production of technological knowledge,
innovation, and invention compared to their developing counterparts. According to Gong and
Keller (2003), in 1995, members of the G7 accounted for 84% of the world’s total expenditure
on technological research and development. A survey conducted by the United States Patent
and Trademark Office in 2014 revealed that the same G7 countries invested more than 88% of
the world’s expenditures on research and development, with the rest of the international
community contributing a meager 12% towards technological advancements (Wang & Lin,
2021; van der Loos et al., 2020). Additionally, the same G7 countries took out more than 90%
of all patents filed with The United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2014 (van der Loos
et al., 2020). The self-evident variation in investments in technological research and
development means that only a few of the world’s richest countries account for the world’s
creation of new technology, further fueling global inequalities.
Competitive Advantages Through Innovation and the Slow Process of Technological
The creation of new technologies provides rich countries with immense competitive
advantages over their poor counterparts, which increases global inequality. Developed
countries invest heavily in research and development and are able to come up with innovations
and inventions. Through incessant innovation and invention, rich countries are the first to
access and utilize new forms of technology. The new forms of technology provide the developed
nations with immense competitive advantages that enable them to dominate over other
countries in the international market (Atkin et al., 2014; Atkin et al., 2017). Developing
countries, on the other hand, rely on technology diffusion in order to access and utilize the
various forms of technology invented by the rich countries. Technological diffusion refers to
the process and channels through which various forms of technology spread both within and
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Eshehri, A., & Alsoaery, A. (2021). Bridging the Gap or Widening the Divide? The Role of Technology in Global Economic Inequality. Archives of Business
Research, 9(1). 195-203.
across countries (Keller & Yeaple, 2009; Kemeny, 2009; Kemeny, 2011). However,
technological diffusion is a slow process as it mainly depends on international trade and foreign
direct investments (FDI) through multinational corporations. The slow spread of new forms of
technology to the developing world further worsens their ability to compete effectively with
their developed counterparts in terms of productivity, thus resulting in uneven development.
The Biased Nature of Technological Diffusion and Its Focus on Raw Materials
Technological diffusion mostly results in the transfer to the developing world technologies
primarily limited to the production of raw materials for export to developed countries, thus
furthering uneven economic development. According to Kemeny (2010), 90% of the
technologies transferred to the developing world are primarily aimed at enhancing the
exploitation of natural resources and raw materials, such as textiles, that are exported to the
developed countries. Economists from the uneven development school of thought and those
espousing Marxist-Leninist ideologies, such as Robert Gilpin, argue that technological diffusion
occurs mainly through transnational capitalism channels, and are inherently biased in favor of
the developed world (Bessen et al., 2010; Coe et al., 1997). Marxist-Leninism espouses that
international capitalism is imperialistic, expansionary, conflict, and inherently unstable, and so
are all its creations and processes, such as technological diffusion (Waldkirch & Ofosu, 2010;
Schuler et al., 2006). The majority of the technologies transferred to the developed world help
increase the quantities of raw materials exported back to the developed world for processing
into final products. Final products are worth more than raw materials in the international
market. Thus, technological diffusion increases uneven development as they further the
economic interests of developed countries compared to those of developing nations.
Social Capability and Its Role in Uneven Technological Development
The success of technological diffusion is dependent on social capability, which varies among
countries, promoting uneven development in the world. Technological advancement in the
developing world is dependent not only on spillovers, but also on social capability. Social
capability is defined as the ability of a country to absorb various forms of technology, which is
dependent on the existence of certain societal and institutional competencies (Keller, 2010;
Keller & Yeaple, 2009). Societal and institutional competencies, such as human capital facilities,
influence the adoption of new technology in developing countries. Developing countries with
better societal and institutional competencies, such as literate and skilled human capital, are
more likely to adopt various forms of technology compared to nations with poor social
capabilities. Markedly, it is well accepted in economic circles that various countries in the
world, especially developing nations, have divergent levels of social capabilities (Keller, 2002).
For example, South Africa has more advanced social capabilities compared to Myanmar. The
variance in nations' social capabilities means various developing countries adopt new forms of
technology at diverse rates. Therefore, the variance in countries' social capability explains why
technological diffusion has not solved but rather worsened uneven development in the
developing world.
Geographical Influence on Technological Diffusion and Economic Development
Technological diffusion is also shaped by geography. Thus, further worsening uneven economic
development in the world. According to Keller (2004), like all forms of diffusion technological
diffusion is a form of contagion whose probability of transmission from one country to the other