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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 12, No. 5
Publication Date: May 25, 2024
Gathitu, C. W., k’Obonyo, P., Machuki, V. N., & Njihia, J. M. (2024). The Joint Effect of Competitive Strategies, Competitive
Advantage, Ethical Values, And Corporate Reputation on Performance of Accredited Universities in Kenya. Archives of Business
Research, 12(5). 01-14.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
The Joint Effect of Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage,
Ethical Values, And Corporate Reputation on Performance of
Accredited Universities in Kenya
Cecilia Wacuka Gathitu
Faculty of Business and Management Science, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Peter k’Obonyo
Faculty of Business and Management Science, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Vincent N. Machuki
Faculty of Business and Management Science, University of Nairobi, Kenya
James M. Njihia
Faculty of Business and Management Science, University of Nairobi, Kenya
The broad objective of the study was to determine the joint effect of competitive
strategies, competitive advantage, ethical values and corporate reputation on
performance of accredited universities in Kenya. The corresponding null
hypothesis stated that the joint effect of competitive strategies, competitive
advantage, ethical values and corporate reputation on performance of accredited
universities in Kenya is not significantly different from the independent effects of
predictor variables. This study was anchored on Industrial (Economics)
organization theory, Stakeholders’ theory, Resource-based theory and Virtue’s
ethics theory. Descriptive cross-sectional survey was used. The population of the
study comprised 53 accredited universities. To collect data, semi structured
questionnaires were used due to the covid-19 situation while a few were dropped
and picked back. Data analysis used regression models. Findings from the test of
hypotheses showed that the joint effect of competitive strategies, competitive
advantage, ethical values and corporate reputation on performance is significantly
different from the independent effects of predictor variables. The significant
findings implied that the null hypothesis was rejected. The study outcomes
contributed to theory, policy and management practice. The four theories validated
outcomes of the study. Policy makers in the Ministry of higher education,
Commission for University Education and university managers were recommended
to establish a policy framework that observes ethical practices; quality programs
and reliable training and research and adoption of competitive strategies such a
market penetration, strategic alliances, product development focus strategy,
differentiation and cost leadership in that order. A single respondent who was
deemed to introduce bias in choosing suitable responses was said to limit the study.
Questionnaires reduced subjectivism in statement responses. Longitudinal design
for generalizability of results was suggested for future studies.
Keywords: Competitive strategies, competitive advantage, ethical values, corporate
reputation and performance of accredited universities in Kenya.
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol. 12, Issue 5, May-2024
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Universities in Kenya, with the mandate of developing Kenya’s human resource, have recently
received increasing attention due to rising concerns regarding their competitiveness and
sustained performance. These concerns have been triggered by environmental shocks such as
the recent covid-19 pandemic which caused disruptions in the global market, the Russia- Ukraine conflict that affected the country’s dollar liquidity and in turn caused runaway
inflation, global oil price shocks, extreme weather conditions that caused drought in most of the
arid and semi-arid areas of the country, declines in real gross domestic and declining Kenya’s
government’s capacity to fund university education. These issues have raised concerns on
quality and relevance of university education in Kenya. Against this backdrop, this study sort to
test the hypothesis on the joint effect of competitive strategies, competitive advantage, ethical
values and corporate reputation on performance of accredited universities in Kenya. The study
was anchored on four theories: IO (economics) theory, Resource based theory, Stakeholder’s
theory and Virtue ethics theory. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design targeting a
population of 53 accredited universities in Kenya was used. Primary data was collected using
semi-structured questionnaires. The response rate from completed questionnaires was 66.6%.
Data was analysed using multiple regression analysis. Findings of the study stated that, the joint
effect of competitive strategies, competitive advantage, ethical values and corporate reputation
on performance of accredited universities was significantly different than the individual effects
of predictor variables. Thus, all the joint variables were recommended to improve performance.
This study could be replicated in other countries to test for generalization.
Competitive Strategies
Competitive strategies have been described as the deliberate selection of various sets of
activities that would deliver a unique mix of value over competitors or taking offensive or
defensive actions in order to develop a defendable position in an industry to manage
successfully with the Porter’s five competitive forces and thereby yield a superior return on
investment for the company [21]. [22] posited that competitive strategies are engaged by
businesses to achieve or improve competitive advantage and superior performance in their
industry. Consequently, the goal of competitive strategies is to come up with innovative ways
to gain market and industry supremacy by satisfying consumers' needs and preferences and
responding to stakeholders' sensitive needs. Competitive strategies in this study comprised:
Cost-leadership strategy, Differentiation strategy, Focus strategy, Market penetration, Market
production and Product development, and Strategic alliances.
Industrial Organization Theory contends that companies achieve above average performance
based on fit between their strategic approaches and their particular business or industry
structure. In the current study, IO (economics) theory postulated the association between
competitive strategies and performance of accredited universities in Kenya while focusing on
the external environment to determine appropriate strategic approaches that universities
could pursue.
Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage has been conceptualized variously by different authors in its connection
with performance. [23] posited there were two streams for gaining competitive advantage. The
first stream defined competitive advantage in terms of achieving higher profitability [2; 4; 5]
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Gathitu, C. W., k’Obonyo, P., Machuki, V. N., & Njihia, J. M. (2024). The Joint Effect of Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage, Ethical Values,
And Corporate Reputation on Performance of Accredited Universities in Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 12(5). 01-14.
while the other stream described competitive advantage in terms of sources such as
differentiation, technologies, capabilities or cost leadership [21;22]. This study conceptualized
competitive advantage as an antecedent to performance, where competitive advantage was
said to stem from a firm’s capability to create superior value for its buyers by offering a much
lower price than competitors or offering superior attributes for a higher price [22]. Porter’s
perspective was referred to as industry structure. Competitive advantage emerged when firms
responded to the structural characteristics of the five forces model by Porter and external
environment [23] to get a defendable position in the market. In this study, competitive
advantage was manifested by the following measures, namely competitive fees, delivery
dependability, innovative programs and timely completion of programs towards achieving
superior profitability. These were adopted from studies by [8; 33].
Ethical Values:
Ethical values have been described as an individual’s or organization’s moral values and
principles [30]. These are also said to be a guide for ethical behavior [32;13]. Ethical values
have also been cited as a valuable intangible asset that causes competitive advantage that can
be used to segregate one firm from others while enhancing performance. This informs why
ethical values has been proposed as a moderating variable in the relationship between
competitive strategies and performance of accredited universities in Kenya. The objective was
anchored on Stakeholder’s theory, under normative approach. It described how businesses
ought to function especially regarding ethical values. Under normative approach, ethical values
take center stage where the expectation is that if managers treat their stakeholders ethically,
then organizations may become a success with their managers committing to apply ethical
values such as responsibility, honesty and fairness [15].
Corporate Reputation:
Corporate reputation is defined as a key intangible asset that has been created on the basis of
collective perception of an organization past activities and expectations concerning future
actions, in view of their efficiency in relation to the main competitors [35]. Corporate reputation
is a multidimensional concept whose definition is drawn from various academic disciplines
such in economics, strategy, marketing, organizational behaviour, sociology, and accountancy.
In this study, corporate reputation is anchored on resource-based theory (RBT) and categorizes
it as an intangible asset, difficult to replicate and generates competitive advantage that also
explains performance heterogeneity and variance [29]. Contrary findings stated that investing
in corporate reputation did not guarantee improved performance. Other authors stated, the
reverse is possible with performance promoting a good reputation [9].
Organizational performance is an important measure of an organization’s success. It is the
extent to which an organization’s mission and goals are achieved [32]. The assessment of
organizational performance is an important aspect in strategic management. It enables
executives know how their organization is performing as well us get informed which strategic
changes need to be made. Organizational performance is also said to be multidimensional
concept which explains why there is variation in indicators of performance among different
organizations hence the different performance measures used by different organisations [25].
There are two approaches used to measure performance, namely, financial and non-financial