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Archives of Business Review – Vol. 9, No.1
Publication Date: January 25, 2021
DOI: 10.14738/abr.91.9578.
Herminingsih, A., & Sadikin, M. R. (2021). Quality Culture To Improve Knowledge Sharing And The Positive Effect On Engagement Of
Academic Staff (An Empirical Study in Indonesian Private Higher Education). Archives of Business Research, 9(1). 65-74.
Quality Culture To Improve Knowledge Sharing And The Positive
Effect On Engagement Of Academic Staff
(An Empirical Study in Indonesian Private Higher Education)
Anik Herminingsih
Universitas Mercu Buana
Mochamad Rizki Sadikin
Universitas Mercu Buana
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has a vision
that contains the quality of higher education, by quality assurance
implementation that aims to build quality culture of higher education.
Quality culture is an organizational value system that produces a conducive
environment for the formation and continuous improvement of quality. The
effects of quality culture on employee behaviors had been gained
researchers attention, and as important factors for fostering knowledge
sharing behaviors. This study conducted at Universitas Mercu Buana with
144 lecturer as sample. Data analysis by structural equation model and
processed with AMOS software. Result of this study showed that quality
culture affected positively toward human resource management practices,
knowledge sharing among lecturers, then affected lecturer' engagement.
Keywords : engagement. quality culture, quality assurance, knowledge sharing.
Quality culture according to Goetsch and Davis (2002), is an organizational value system that
produces a conducive environment for the formation and continuous improvement of quality.
While Malhi (2013) states that quality culture is a system of shared values, beliefs and norms that
focus on customer satisfaction and continue to improve the quality of products and services.
Knowledge Management can be identified as a framework for designing the strategy, structures,
and processes of an organization. Knowledge Management can transform organizational new
levels of effectiveness, efficiency, and scope of operation. Knowledge management is a significant
issue of higher education institutions. Higher learning institutions are no longer just
disseminating knowledge to students, but they serve as a storage of knowledge (Sohail and Daud,
2009). So, it is important that Higher education institutions improve their knowledge
management to better respond to internal and external need of their environments (Pircher and
Pausits, 2011).
Knowledge Management can be classified in three processes, including: knowledge acquisition,
knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization (Tiwana, 2002). In other words, one of the key
activities of effective Knowledge Management is Knowledge sharing (Ekeke, 2011; Olatokun and
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URL: 66
Herminingsih, A., & Sadikin, M. R. (2021). Quality Culture To Improve Knowledge Sharing And The Positive Effect On Engagement Of Academic
Staff (An Empirical Study in Indonesian Private Higher Education). Archives of Business Research, 9(1). 65-74.
Nwafor, 2012). Knowledge Sharing is defined as Processes that “involve exchanging knowledge
between individuals and groups” (Yu et al., 2010). It is the act of disseminating and making
available the knowledge that is already known (Tiwana, 2002). By Knowledge sharing,
individuals’ knowledge and experiences can be transferred as an important asset of organization
and maintained for creating new knowledge (Liaw, et al., 2008). In other words, during the
knowledge sharing process, individuals exchange their knowledge (both explicit and tacit
knowledge) and produce a new knowledge.
Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) is one of universities in Jakarta with "A" accreditation. From the
preliminary survey it was revealed that lecturers in UMB perceived that knowledge sharing
among the lecturers are relatively low. It can be seen that there is no dissemination activity after
a lecturer gain some knowledge from an event like workshop, seminar and each other activities.
They tends to gain and keep the knowledges for themselves. Because of positive effects of
knowledge sharing for organizational effectiveness, it should be improved. The factors of
knowledge sharing as stated by Zamani (2018) are academic policies, legal support,
organizational climate, academic culture, and individual culture.
Organizational culture could be the means of keeping employees in line and acclimatizing them
towards organizational objectives. Deal and Kennedy in Herminingsih (2015) recognized the link
between culture and organizational excellent performances via its human resource development
programs. Human resource management that refers to the policies and practices, as Noe et al.
(2015) are also affected by organizational culture. Some researches by Adewale and Anthonia
(2013), Jerome (2013), Al-Sarayrah et al. (2013), Ahmad (2009), Suharnomo (2009), Veratrakova
and Smerek (2015), and Wei et al. (2008) confirmed that organizational culture affect human
resource management practices. Akbar & Manurung (2020) also found that organizational
culture had positive and significant effect on employee engagement, supported research by Arifin
& Lo (2020).
The effects of organizational culture on employee behaviors had been gained researchers
attention, and as important factors for fostering knowledge sharing behaviors. The effects of
organizational culture on knowledge sharing are supported by Ajmal et al. (2009), Prystupa
(2017), and Ling (2011). They found that organizational culture has positive and significant effect
on knowledge sharing of employees. Since the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance
(SPMI) to fostering quality culture, this research will study the impact of quality culture as
organizational culture. Refer to Noe et al. (2015), human resource management refers to the
policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.
Human resource management practices needs to be considered to maximize their influence on
company performance. The practices are analysis and design of work, human resource planning,
recruiting, selection, training and development, compensation, performance management, and
employee relations. The organizational policies are factor of knowledge sharing, supported by
previous researches by Razak et al. (2013), Matoskova and Smesna (2015), Pervais et al. (2016)
and Iqbal (2015). Based on the results this research will analyze the effects of human resource
practices on knowledge sharing.
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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol 9, Issue 1, January-2021
Based on the above description and supported by the previous researches, the researchers were
interested to do this research with the title: The Influence of Quality Culture on Human Resource
Management Practices and Knowledge Sharing among Academic Staff of Higher Education.
The research uses survey methods, and is an explanatory research that aims to explain the
influence of variables through testing hypotheses. Determination of variables based on
justification of the theories. Population is academics staff of higher education in Indonesia and
South Korea.
All variables are arranged in a questionnaire, which consists of dimensions which are then
described in the indicators. Research data in the form of primary collected using questionnaires,
which are filled in by respondents. The questionnaire was carried out in a self-rating manner,
where respondents filled out questionnaires based on perceptions of themselves. The
measurement scale is using a 1 to 5 Likert scale. The questionnaire submission technique was
delivered directly to the respondents, where this technique was better than through sending
questionnaires by post because it could minimize the differences in interpretation between
respondents and researchers. Data collection was carried out by research partners from Korea.
Data is used for estimating models using structural equations (SEM) using version 15 AMOS
(Analysis of Moment Structure) package. The use of SEM is done because it allows researchers to
test the relationship between complex variables to obtain a comprehensive picture of the overall
model. In addition, according to Bohlen in Ghozali and Fuad (2005: 3) SEM can also do testing
together things: 1) The structural model of the relationship between independent constructs and
dependent constructs. 2) Relationships related to the measurement model, which can be seen
from the loading value between indicators and constructs (latent variables).
Respondent Characteristics
Characteristics of the research respondents are as shown in Table 4.1. based on age, last
education, gender, and years of service. On the age group most of the respondents were less than
25 years old (56.2%). Most of them have SMA / SMK (high school level) education as many as 170
people (91.9%) considering they are UMB students who are already working, respondents are
less than 3 years old, namely as many as 111 people (60%).