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Archives of Business Review – Vol. 9, No.1

Publication Date: January 25, 2021

DOI: 10.14738/abr.91.9595.

Herdioko, J., Titalessy, P. B., & Krisanta, B. E. (2021). Motivation of The Use of Digital Wallets In Young Generations In The Time of The

Covid-19 Pandemic. Archives of Business Research, 9(1). 116-127.

Motivation of The Use of Digital Wallets In Young Generations In

The Time of The Covid-19 Pandemic

Jonathan Herdioko

Department of Management, Faculty of Business

Duta Wacana Christian University

Pisi Bethania Titalessy

Department of Management, Faculty of Business

Duta Wacana Christian University

Brigitta Evelyn Krisanta

Department of Management, Faculty of Business

Duta Wacana Christian University


This study aims to analyze how the Technology Acceptance Model

which consists of Percieved usefulness, Perceived Ease of use, Privacy

and Security, and additional variable "Promotion Programs" affect

behavior intention in using e-wallets or digital wallets in the current

pandemic era. A total of 394 respondents aged 16-30 years old who

use e-wallets in Yogyakarta were sampled in this study. The results

using the SEM test show that perceived usefulness and behavioral

intention have a significant effect. Meanwhile, Perceived Ease of use,

Privacy and Security, and promotional programs are not significant on

E-Wallets Usage.

Keywords: TAM, SEM, E-Wallet, Young Generation, Pandemic


In the fast-paced and automated industrial era, the use of the internet makes life more practical.

This makes everything integrated online, including economic transactions, namely payments

using smart devices known as e-wallets. Over time, the use of e-wallets or digital wallets has

increased dramatically in recent years. It can be seen that with the change in many companies

changing to e-commerce platforms, it has become one of the considerations for the increasing use

of digital wallets. Mobile-based payment systems are widely used. Transactions and payments

are made through the use of mobile applications because consumers find this method useful

(Gokilavani et al., 2018). Payments using e-wallets not only provide a level of convenience and

speed but also give consumers a sense of comfort and security in transactions elsewhere and at

any time (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2014). The use of e-wallets offers small-scale transactions

that are very easy to operate (Punwatkar, et al., 2018).

The results of the Daily Social Research survey show that digital wallets are the most popular

Financial Technology (fintech) product in Indonesia with an awareness rate of 82.7%. From the

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Archives of Business Research (ABR) Vol 9, Issue 1, January-2021

table data below, it can be seen that there are many fintech digital wallet companies operating in


Table 1.1Digital Wallet Users

Rate Company Percentage

1 Gojek 83,3%

2 Ovo 81.4%

3 Dana 68,2%

4 Link Aja 53,0%

5 Doku 19,7%

6 Jenius 13,2%

7 Paytren 13,2%

8 iSaku 12,1%

9 Sakuku 10,3%

10 Uangku 6,3%

Source:, 2019

From existing data, Gojek is the digital wallet with the largest active users in Indonesia. For

information, Gojek digital wallet user data is the number of active users of Go-Pay and other services

from the Gojek application. The next ranking is achieved by Ovo with 81.4% users. and fast, payment

services using digital wallets are increasingly preferred because they can reduce the use of cash in

transactions. This is further supported by the global condition of the emergence of the Corona Virus

Disease 19 Pandemic or abbreviated as Covid-19.

As an education city in Indonesia, Yogyakarta is filled with young people from various regions in

Indonesia to study. According to Ipsos' research (2020), so far Indonesian consumers can absorb new

innovations, especially the younger generation. They are surfing in the world of smart technology they

want to explore new applications and their ease of use, as well as security and privacy (Wood, 2013).

Seeing this phenomenon, this study aims to identify the factors that influence the millennial generation

to use digital wallets in the Yogyakarta area amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Towards the new normal,

new habits to maintain non-cash payment transactions are needed to prevent the transmission of covid- 19. To fulfill the objectives of this study, the extended TAM model will be used, namely the variable

perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), privacy and security (PS) and added with

promotional programs to see the effects on behavioral intention (BI) and actual system use (ASU).


According to Mallat (2007), the adoption of mobile payment methods depends on several factors

that influence consumer choice and desire to use the latest technology in making payments.

Reviewing the literature on this topic, we have identified certain factors that influence consumer

adoption of mobile payment methods. Advantages of mobile payment systems: Previous studies

have shown that mobile payment methods provide customers with a number of advantages

including location-free access (Lauksen & Lauronen, 2005), multiple purchase possibilities, easy

alternatives to payment, and timely contact with their financial resources. This advantage has

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URL: 118

Herdioko, J., Titalessy, P. B., & Krisanta, B. E. (2021). Motivation of The Use of Digital Wallets In Young Generations In The Time of The Covid-19

Pandemic. Archives of Business Research, 9(1). 116-127.

attracted consumers to make payments via mobile devices. Some of the previous literature uses

the extended TAM model to see the factors that influence the use of digital wallets.

Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

The TAM model was originally discovered by Davis (1989) who argued that perceived usefulness

and perceived ease of use were two important constructs that influenced the user's intention to

use technology. TAM is used to measure information technology adoption, is known to be very

robust theoretically and is very useful for identifying the reasons users accept new technology

(Nunes et al., 2018). Several theories have been developed to understand consumer intentions to

use IS technology. The TAM model has been studied extensively in several literatures (Davis,

1989) and in fact is an information service theory that models how users adopt and use certain

technologies (Dauda, et al., 2015) . The number of researchers has expanded the TAM model and

applied it to various technologies including e-learning (Cheung and Vogel, 2013; Al-Maroof and

Al-Emran, 2018), m-commerce (Barry, et al., 2018) and short message services ( Muk, et al.,

2015). According to Vijayasarathy (2004), the TAM variable is most suitable for the decision to

accept new technology. To study the acceptance and intention of using new technology, TAM is

considered a recognized extension in academic research (Aydin, et al., 2016). However, the

original TAM variable may not adequately capture the core beliefs that influence consumer

attitudes towards e-shopping. The model is further suggested to include several additional

variables to see the suitability of TAM (Jaradat, 2013).

Behavioral Intention

Intention can be defined as the action an individual wants to achieve (Zhao, et al., 2010).

Behavioral intention is a person's subjective probability that is intended to be achieved within a

certain period of time (Ajzen, 1988). It refers to the way a person will act in the future (Fishbein,

et al., 1975). E-wallets are a new form of payment system that is widely accepted. In the future it

is expected to have a large expansion of e-wallets in Malaysia (Nizam et al., 2018). Many

researchers have found a positive and significant relationship between behavioral intention (BI)

and the use of new technology (Barry and Jan, 2018; Faqih and Jaradat, 2015; Jaradat, 2013).

According to Mun and Hwang (2003), behavioral intention (BI) has positively and significantly

influenced actual use (AU). (Venkatesh et al., 2003) The Postulate of Technology Acceptance

Model is extended with four variables; The findings from the model reveal that behavioral

intention to use technology has a significant and positive influence on usage behavior.

E-Wallet Use

E-wallet is an application that allows someone to carry out e-commerce transactions by storing

their credit card information. Payment via e-wallet is considered to be one of the most prominent

transaction methods today because electronic transactions using digital wallets have the

advantages of convenience, flexibility and protection (Uddin, et al., 2014).

Mobile wallets are also recognized for their innovative benefits such as customization and instant

communication (Osakwe, et al., 2016). As the number of electronic payment systems has

increased, e-wallets have gained notoriety by providing a large number of services in the

equestrian sector, food delivery and bill payment (Rosnidah et al., 2019). It is not only profitable

for the buyer; merchants accept e-wallets as a payment method because of the fastest transaction

processing, efficient cash management, and lower labor costs (Hayashi, et al., 2014).