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Archives of Business Research – Vol. 9, No. 3
Publication Date: March, 25, 2021
DOI: 10.14738/abr.93.9696. Nwaokugha, D. O. (2021). Exploring Sport as Effective Engagement Mechanism for Youth Empowerment and Youth Development
in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region. Archives of Business Research, 9(3). 157-182.
Exploring Sport as Effective Engagement Mechanism for Youth
Empowerment and Youth Development in Nigeria’s Niger Delta
Douglas O. Nwaokugha
Department of Educational Foundations Faculty of Education
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is synonymous with crisis
occasioned by militancy, agitations and insurgency from the
youth, who in recent times have become aware of the neglect,
marginalization, human rights abuses, environmental
degradation etc, people of the region suffer in the hands of the
Nigerian government and Multinational Corporations that
explore and exploit the Niger Delta environment for its rich
natural resources. Investing time in militancy, agitations and
insurgency as presently spearheaded by youth in the region has
created more problems than solve the Niger Delta crises. Using
the philosophical method, this paper makes a case on how sport
can be an effective engagement mechanism for youth
engagement and youth empowerment. The paper sees sport as
a human engagement whose effective exploration and
utilization can lead to the empowerment of youth in Nigeria’s
Niger Delta and consequently recommends that states
intervention agencies, politicians and philanthropists should
make the provision of sport infrastructure a topmost priority
for youth development and empowerment. The paper strongly
maintains that policies that target youth empowerment in the
Niger Delta region of Nigeria will surely be a foundation for
sustainable peace and stability not only in Nigeria but across
the globe.
Keywords: Youth, Youth empowerment and development, sport,
Niger Delta, Nigeria
Right from the beginning of the world, sport has occupied an elevated and phenomenal
position and members of different societies have receptively embraced it both as a practice
and platform for recreation, leisure, an important component of the culture of a people and
a practice to bring about many positive transformations in the affairs of man and his
society. Sport provides inspiration, relief, emotional stability and is a powerful contributor
to peace and development, with unprecedented and phenomenal potentials to reach out to
both developed, developing and underdeveloped regions of the world. So unique about
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Nwaokugha, D. O. (2021). Exploring Sport as Effective Engagement Mechanism for Youth Empowerment and Youth Development in Nigeria’s
Niger Delta Region. Archives of Business Research, 9(3). 157-182.
sport is its commitment to non-violent behaviours, peace-building and the sticking or
upholding of fairness, equality, equity and strict adherence to the maintenance of rules,
order and peaceful and harmonious environment. Sport promotes team spirit, respect for
one another, tolerance and helps to reduce discrimination and stereotype. That sport can
be a veritable platform for checkmating discrimination and stereotype can be revealing
that sport is a potent and formidable force for pursuing the ideals of intercultural
communication and integration.
Sport is supportive of individual and community development as well as a source of
empowerment for individuals and states. Individuals and states that venture into sports
can launch themselves into limelight or point of regional and international recognition,
including making the individual become role models and celebrities in a twinkle of an eye.
Sports is instrumental in taking care of the health and physical conditions or well-being of
individuals including engaging and diverting individual’s attention from participating in
social vices and violent crimes. Sport is a powerful force for initiating actions that can
result in substantial improvements and development of human conditions in states that
have reach their climax on the development stake, states that have prospects for
development and states that are struggling to source out themselves and systematically
and painstakingly charting courses for their development. In a way, sport is a common
denominator that all states irrespective of their developmental sophistication can explore
for their general development. Words may be lacking to describe the numerous
opportunities that sport provides. All the same, sport can be taken as an instrument and
institution through which visions can be translated into actions and realities, or from
theory to practice.
Sport is good for everybody at least for its economic empowerments and health benefits
but a particular group that stands to benefit immensely from participation in sport and
sporting activities is the youth especially youth in resource rich and resource dependent
countries or states where the abundance of natural resources is fast turning into a resource
curse. Nigeria is one country in the world where despite being endowed with abundant
natural and human resources are fast becoming flashpoints for the bad reasons. Nigeria is
world capital for poverty and stinks with financial, social and economic contradictions so
much that it has been acknowledged locally and internationally that Nigeria and Nigerians
are fantastically corrupt. A pointer to the contradiction in the case of Nigeria is that the
huge revenues that accrue from oil and gas exploration and exploitation have not impacted
positively on the lives of Nigerians as Nigeria consistently squares zero on all the indexes
for measuring development. In fact, the generosity of God in terms of abundance of human
and natural resources has not translated into improvements in the quality of lives of the
citizens of Nigeria. Poverty, low productivity, unemployment and other terms and concepts
that reflect deficits on national development indexes are adequately visible and are terribly
becoming norms in Nigeria with Nigeria correspondingly and seriously manifesting those
symptoms that prevail in states that suffer from the tight grips of resource curse such as
violence, conflicts and instability.
One region of Nigeria that has a legendary and phenomenal history of violence is the oil,
gas and natural resource rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Violence in Nigeria’s Niger