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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 9, No. 4
Publication Date: August 25, 2021
DOI:10.14738/aivp.94.10590. Niamke, A. M., Dosso, M., Coulibaly, A., & Djaman, A. J. (2021). Study of the Physicochemical Properties, The Anti-Nutrient,
Antioxidant and Mineral Composition of Capsicum Annuum Chili Pepper Sold in the Three (3) Main Markets of Korhogo, in the
North of Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4). 94-107.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Study of the Physicochemical Properties, The Anti-Nutrient,
Antioxidant and Mineral Composition of Capsicum Annuum Chili
Pepper Sold in the Three (3) Main Markets of Korhogo, in the
North of Côte d’Ivoire
Niamke Arthur Michel
Department of Biochemistry- Genetics
Biological Sciences Training and Research Unit
Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University, PO Box 1328, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
Dosso Mamadou
Department of Biochemistry- Genetics
Biological Sciences Training and Research Unit
Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University, PO Box 1328, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
Coulibaly Adama
Department of Biochemistry- Genetics
Biological Sciences Training and Research Unit
Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University, PO Box 1328, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
Djaman Allico Joseph
Department of Biochemistry, Biosciences Training and Research Unit
Félix Houphouët-Boigny University
22 PO Box 582, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Capsicum annuum Chili pepper is eaten in Korhogo, in the north of Côte d’Ivoire
because of its pungent taste. This species of Chili pepper encounters conservation
and distribution problems. In addition, the population does not know its
composition or its nutritional value. This study is a valuation of Capsicum annuum
chili pepper. The physical properties are: 3.21-3.63cm for length, 6.55cm overall
average for circumference, 3.44g overall average for weight, 87.37-88.77% for
moisture, 0.82 to 1.02% for ash content. The contents of biochemical elements are:
5.44 on average for the pH, 3.08 meq / 100g on average for titratable acidity, 90.05
to 251.49 mg / 100g for reducing sugars, 2, 92 to 3.55% for total sugars, 0.41 to 0.5%
for lipids, 1.46% overall average for protein, 5.53% overall average for fiber, 8.5 to
9.65% for total carbohydrates, 42.89 to 48.72 Kcal / 100g for energy value.
Capsicum annuum chili pepper contains 19.58 to 72.91 mg / 100g of vitamin C,
156.15 to 234.21 mg / 100g of polyphenols, 3.28 to 5.89 mg / 100g of flavonoids,
and 17.25 to 25.04 mg / 100g of tannins. The contents of anti-nutritional
compounds are from 278.67 to 326.33 mg / 100g, 24.61 to 26 mg / 100g respectively
for oxalates and phytates. The mineral quantities are 0.137 to 0.180% DM for
phosphorus, 0.332 to 0.336% DM for potassium, 0.30 to 0.32% DM for calcium,
0.171 to 0.177% DM for magnesium, 3.14 to 4.54 ppm for copper, 6.58 to 7.83 ppm
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Niamke, A. M., Dosso, M., Coulibaly, A., & Djaman, A. J. (2021). Study of the Physicochemical Properties, The Anti-Nutrient, Antioxidant and Mineral
Composition of Capsicum Annuum Chili Pepper Sold in the Three (3) Main Markets of Korhogo, in the North of Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of
Applied Sciences, 9(4). 94-107.
for iron, 0.45 to 0.84 ppm for manganese, 16.14 to 19.10 ppm for zinc, 6.71 to 14, 08
ppm for sodium.
Keywords : Physicochemical properties, Chili pepper, Capsicum annuum, Korhogo
Market garden species are crops of primary importance for the staple diet in Côte d'Ivoire. Chili
pepper, eggplant, okra with tomato are the most important vegetable crops in Côte d'Ivoire.
They are also one of the most consumed vegetables in Côte d'Ivoire. Chili pepper is consumed
by 84.1% of households. The Far North region, which includes the town of Korhogo, is generally
considered more favorable to market gardening than the forest regions of the center and the
south. Chili pepper production is 183,784 tonnes for a harvested area of 31,103 hectares (ha)
in 2007 in Côte d'Ivoire [1].
Chili pepper belongs to the genus Capsicum [2]. The genus Capsicum includes 25 species, 5 of
which are cultivated (C. annuum, C. baccatum, C. pubescens, C. fructescens, C..chinense). The C.
annuum species is the most cultivated in the world and the most economically profitable [3].
In Côte d'Ivoire, the Capsicum annuum species is a hot chili pepper that is used for seasoning
dishes, it is popular with attiéké which is a traditional dish made from cassava [4]. Nevertheless,
Capsicum annuum chili pepper is underexploited and the income collected by the actors, namely
the farmers and market vendors, is meager. However, significant quantities of chili peppers still
rot during the distribution chain before being purchased by consumers. Conservation problems
prevail in the distribution chain; better control of physicochemical and nutritional parameters
could help ensure better profitability of chili peppers. In addition, people are not familiar with
the nutrients provided by chili peppers or their composition.
This study is therefore a valuation of this species cultivated and sold in the three (3) main
markets (Sinistré Market, Soba Market, Koko Market) of Korhogo, in the north of Côte d’Ivoire.
This study will consist in determining for Capsicum annuum chili pepper:
-Physico-chemical properties
-Antioxidant content
-The content of anti-nutritional compounds
-The mineral contents
Plant material
The study was performed on fruits of Capsicum annum chili pepper collected from Korhogo in
northern Côte d'Ivoire.
The chili pepper samples were purchased from three (3) main markets of Korhogo City: Sinistré
market, Soba market, and Koko market. Per market, the pepper samples were purchased from
three various sellers, four (4) kg each. Thus, 12 kg of chili pepper were gathered per market,
leading to 36 kg for overall samples purchased. The samples were then conveyed into
laboratory for further analyses.
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 9, Issue 4, August-2021
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Physical Characterization of Capsicum annuum pepper
Five (5) physical parameters were assessed on the chili pepper fruits, namely length,
circumference, weight, moisture, and ash. The length and the circumference of the full fruit
were estimated using a meter tape. The fruit’s weight was measured using a 2 digits scale
(Sartorius,). The method of determining moisture is that proposed by AOAC (1990) [5]. The
moisture was assessed by drying 5 g of chili pepper into an oven at 105 °C till constant weight
resulted after 24 h. The ash content was measured by incinerating five (5) g of oven-dried chili
pepper into a muffle furnace at 550 °C for 12 h [5] (AOAC, 1990).
Chemical trend of the chili pepper fruits
A. Acidity
The acidity traits (pH and titratable acidity) were measured using AOAC (1990) method [5].
Ten (10) grams of crushed sample are slurried in 100 mL of distilled water. The solution
obtained is filtered on filter paper (Whatman). The pH measurement is carried out directly by
immersing the previously calibrated pH meter (HANNA) electrode in the filtrate obtained.
Then, 10 mL of the filtrate are taken and this test sample is titrated with a solution of NaOH (0.1
N) in the presence of phenolphthalein until turning pink. The titratable acidity is given in
mEq/100g of dried sample.
B. Total soluble carbohydrates and reducing carbohydrates contents
Ethanosoluble carbobydrates were extracted from 1 g of ground dried chili pepper with 20 mL
of 80% (v/v) ethanol, 2 mL of 10% (m/v) zinc acetate and 2 mL of 10% (m/v) oxalic acid,
according to the method of Agbo et al. (1985) [6]. The extract was centrifuged at speed of 3,000
rpm for 10 min. The ethanol residue was evaporated from the extract upon a hot sand bath.
Then, the extracted total soluble carbohydrates were measured out using the method of Dubois
et al. (1956) [7]. The operation consisted in adding 0.9 mL of distilled water, 1 mL of 5 % (m/v)
phenol, and 5 mL of 96% sulfuric acid into 100 μL of extract, then measuring the absorbance at
490 nm with a spectrophotometer (PG instruments). For the reducing sugars, 1 mL of extract
was processed with 0.5 mL of distilled water and 0.5 mL of 3, 5- dinitrosalycilic acid (Bernfeld,
1955) [8] prior to the recording of the absorbance from the final solution at 540 nm with a
spectrophotometer (PG instruments). Calibrations were performed with standard solutions of
glucose and sucrose for recovering the final total carbohydrates and reducing carbohydrates
contents in the studied samples.
C. Lipids content
Lipids were quantified from 10 g of ground dried chili pepper sample by solvent extraction
using 300 mL of n-hexane reagent and a Soxhlet device for 7 h [9]. The hexan-oil mixture
resulted from the extraction was recovered and separated with a rotavapor apparatus
(Heidolph). The difference between the sample weight before and after the experiment allowed
the estimation of the lipids content.
D. Proteins content
Crude proteins content was determined as the total nitrogen using the Kjeldhal method (AOAC,
1990) [5]. Thus, 1 g of chili pepper mash was mineralized at 400 °C for 2 h, with adding of
concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and potassium sulfate (K2SO4) catalyst. The mineralizate
was diluted and distilled for 10 min. Thereafter, the distillate collected into a flask containing
boric acid and methylen bromocresol reagents ion, was titrated for the total nitrogen using