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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol.10, No.4

Publication Date:August 25, 2022


Islam, M. S., &Sangaran, S. (2022). Sustainable Treatment of Emerging Organic Pollutants (Eops), Endocrine Disruption Chemicals

(Edcs) from Water &Waste Water and Role of AIU Online Based Distance Learning Education System to Achieve UNESCO 2030

Goals Towards Sustainable Development. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(4). 556-569.

Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom

Sustainable Treatment of Emerging Organic Pollutants (Eops),

Endocrine Disruption Chemicals (Edcs) from Water

&WasteWater and Role of AIU Online Based Distance Learning

Education System to Achieve UNESCO 2030 Goals Towards

Sustainable Development

Mohammad Shahidul Islam

School of Science and Engineering, Atlantic International

University, Pioneer Plaza, 900 Fort Street Mall 905,

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA

Sumathi Sangaran

Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn. Bhd., Royal Malaysian Naval Base

32100 LUMUT, Perak DarulRidzuan, Malaysia

A Emerging Organic Pollutants (Eops) Treatment


Complete mineralization of EOPs including EDCs is one of the challenges towards

sustainable management practice of water and waste water treatment systems.

Ozone gas has been identified as an effective oxidant against mineralization of

these chemicals. Optimization of factors affecting ozonolysis is vital towards

mineralization of EDCs. For this kinetic study of ozonolysis degradation of EDCs in

two phase gas-liquid systems is performed in a semibatch reactor observing Total

Organic Carbon (TOC) degradation for process optimization. Concentration of

initial substances, temperature of the system and sparger/bubble size have

significant effect on ozonolysis of EDCs. They are considered as dominant factors

to be optimized. Temperature dependency of specific kinetic constants of model

EDCs, i.e., Diclofenac Sodium (DFS) has been determined by taking into account the

specific volume change due to ozone dosing. From this the activation energy for

DFS has been determined to be 26.4 KJ/mol using the well known Arrhenius rate

equation. These information together with sparger effect have been incorporated

to find optimum values of the process variables for ozonolysis of EDCs in water

and wastewater without using any catalyst so that the simplicity of the ozonolysis

process can be preserved. Results obtained in work will help water treatment

industries to develop sustainable ozonolysis technique to treat EDCs at optimized

process condition.

Keywords: Ozonolysis, Semi-batch process, Optimization, Temperature, Sparger

influence and Sustainability.

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Islam, M. S., &Sangaran, S. (2022). Sustainable Treatment of Emerging Organic Pollutants (Eops), Endocrine Disruption Chemicals (Edcs) from

Water &Waste Water and Role of AIU Online Based Distance Learning Education System to Achieve UNESCO 2030 Goals Towards Sustainable

Development. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(4). 556-569.



Sustainability means to meet the present needs without compromising our future generation

to meet their own needs. It is a rather short statement. But it has broad and prolonged

implication in our ecosphere. Successive loading of detrimental elements including emerging

organic pollutants (EOPs) is a hurdle towards sustainable development because it disrupts

the second and the third system conditions of socio-ecological principles for a sustainable

society [1], which says that, substance provided by society must not systematically increase in

nature and the physical basis for the productivity and diversity of nature must not be

systematically deteriorated. The successive loading also disrupts 3 out of 17 UNESCO 2030

goals towards sustainable development. These are: ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages (goal no. 3), ensure availability and sustainable management of water

and sanitation for all (goal no. 6) and sustainable consumption and production patterns of

water (goal no. 12). Endocrine disruption chemicals (EDCs) are water born EOPs. Most of the

EDCs are synthetic chemicals, pharmaceutical and personal care products and organic

steroids. Among these, many prescription free pharmaceutical products are active EDCs. After

uptake, part of these EDCs are slipped through our physiological system and eventually ended

up in sewage treatment plants through combined sewer network. Present practices of sewage

treatment system are ineffective towards complete mineralization of these EDCs. As a result,

these EDCs are eventually loaded up in the receiving water bodies with a chance to

bioaccumulation through food chain because of their persistence nature.

EDCs interact with human physiological systems by either blocking hormone from its normal

function or by altering pathway of the hormone in the way it interacts with the physiological

systems. The resulting effects are different type of hormone related disorders which can lead

to carcinogenic disease as well.

Ozone (O3) is a strong oxidant. It can oxidize and break down into small molecules of many

large-molecule, persistent and toxic organic chemicals. As a result of this, ozonolysis

technique is being extensively explored over last few decades to successfully treat and

mineralize many EOPs including EDCs. One of the major engineering challenges associated

with introduction of ozonolysis technique to treat aqueous EOPs/EDCs is design of a right

sparger. Because O3 gas is introduced to the waste water column through a sparger/diffuser

assembly. Right size of sparger can diffuse right load of O3 in the waste water column to

impart oxidation of the EOPs/EDCs.

To solve this problem, degradation study (i.e., reaction kinetics) of EDCs has been carried out

by the authors (Buffle and Gunten, 2006; Rodríguez et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008). They used

ozone as an oxidant by observing reactant’s concentration gradient. However, they

compromised extent of carbonaceous (TOC) mineralization, which is very important for

legislative compliance. In course of ozonolysis, even though reactant degrades but at the same

time Degradation By Products (DBPs) are formed and decayed. This may be even more

harmful than the reactant (i.e., EDC) itself (Johnson and Sumpter, 2001). A number of studies

have been reported in published literature on factors affecting EDCs ozonolysis kinetics.

Sparger effect on Ozonewater mass transfer has been studied (Zhou et al., 2000) by measuring

bubble size distribution and mixing intensities in semi batch water contactor. It has been

reported that 2 mm median size bubbles have been observed using 25 μm porous crystalline

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European Journal of Applied Sciences(EJAS) Vol.10, Issue 4, August-2022

Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom

alumina sparger. Also increase in mass transfer with increase in specific surface area of the

rising ozone bubbles has been documented. The same author also observed that increased

ozone dose (consumed) beyond saturation level has no effect on gas holdup which is a

function of bubble size distribution and gas flow rate. Temperature is another dominant factor

affecting ozonolysis kinetic (Thiruvenkatachari, 2005). It has been observed that Bisphenol A

(initial concentration 10 ppm) degradation efficiency increases with increase in temperature

from 30° C to 70° C, where TiO2 was used as a catalyst. This companion author used coagulant

to settle out TiO2 from solution which would eventually require another unit operation in

water treatment flow sheet. It has been revealed that with the increase in temperature,

organic degradation rate increases due to increase in degradation kinetics. Companion

authors also indicated that temperature increase results in increase in organic degradation

rate and degradation kinetics. Nevertheless, increasing ozone dose beyond saturation level

there is no effect on Organic-O3 mass transfer. Decreasing bubble dia beyond certain size as

well as increasing ozone dose beyond saturation level also has no effect on Organic-O3 mass

transfer and hence degradation efficiency. Since ozone is an unstable, troposphere air

pollutant and costly substance to generate and finer sparger encounter efficiency and

maintenance problem, it is essential to optimize these parameters for ease of enhancing

ozonolysis efficiency. Present work endeavors optimization of factors affecting ozonolysis

kinetics namely, concentration of initial substances, sparger effect and ozonolysis

temperature. No catalyst was used to influence ozonolysis kinetics so that it can offer inherent

possibility to use this technology for water treatment industries to treat EOPs as well as EDCs

with minimal unit operation. Aim of the study is to optimize process variables including

sparger size to introduce right load of O3 for EOPs as well as EDCs mineralization. Purpose is

to deduce flexible, reliable and effective treatment method by incorporating the ozonolysis



Issues need to be addressed in optimizing process variables for EDCs carbonaceous

degradation in ozonolysis are: concentration of initial substances, bubble size (sparger size)

and ozonolysis temperature. These informations are essential to fix optimum process

conditions to achieve maximum carbonaceous mineralization in ozonolysis. To get optimized

process variables, semi-batch lab scale experimentation need to be carried out. Because semi

batch process is superior to both plug flow and continuous operation (Ridlehoover and

Seagrave, 1973). It is suitable to determine reaction kinetics due to its flexibility over a wide

range of process conditions. Moreover, flow–through reactor model can be developed using

parameters (kinetics) independently determined from batch and semi-batch experiments

(Kima et al., 2007). As a result these optimized process variables will also be helpful to

demonstrate continuous plug flow reactor performance prediction for industrial application

of the ozonolysis technology for the treatment of EDCs from water and waste water.


1. To carry out lab scale semi-batch experiment of ozonolysis of EDC to get necessary reaction


2. To develop consistent kinetic theory describing ozonolysis process.

3. To validate theory with experimental data. This process will give kinetic co-efficients best

representing the ozonolysis process.