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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 10, No. 6
Publication Date: December 25, 2022
DOI:10.14738/aivp.106.13534. Mawuli, S. E., Anthony, S., & Akintunde, D. O. (2022). Development of Asbestos-free Disc Brake Pad Using Periwinkle Shell Powder
and Coconut Shell Ash as Base Materials. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(6). 473-491.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Development of Asbestos-free Disc Brake Pad Using Periwinkle
Shell Powder and Coconut Shell Ash as Base Materials
Seckley Emmanuel Mawuli
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana
Simons Anthony
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana
Dahunsi Olurotimi Akintunde
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Brake pads are integral part of an automobile braking system that contribute to the
full control of the vehicle. The composite materials for their production must
therefore possess adequate chemical, mechanical, physical, and thermal properties.
The development of asbestos-free disc brake pad using Periwinkle Shell (PS)
powder and Coconut Shell Ash (CSA) as reinforcement and frictional filler material
respectively is presented. This was done with a view of establishing suitability of PS
powder and CSA as replacements for asbestos which has been found to be
carcinogenic and capable of causing Asbestosis and Mesothelioma [1]. Other
ingredients used are graphite as lubricant, epoxy resin as binder, copper, zinc, and
aluminum powders as abrasives and also to impact mechanical strength. The
optimum percentage formulation of these materials for the pad was arrived at by
using the ANOVA tool of the Box-Behnken technique of Design Expert Software, DX- 13. The CSA and PS powders were sieved into grades of 106 μm, 150 μm, 212 μm
and 300 μm and then combined with other constituents to produce the brake pad.
The pads were characterized in terms of their physical, mechanical and tribological
properties. It was observed that increase in particle size distributions leads to
decrease in densification and carbon crosslinking of the produced composite brake
pads. Therefore, the 106 μm particle size sample has better properties than others.
Comparison analysis shows that the performance parameters of the 106 μm size
brake pad compares well, and in some cases better, with typical after-market
replacement pads, an asbestos-based brake pad and brake pads developed from
past research works.
Keywords: Brake pad, asbestos, periwinkle shell powder, coconut shell ash, Design
Expert (DX-13), physical, mechanical and tribological properties.
The braking system is an indispensable component of an automobile, and is composed of many
parts including brake pads, master cylinder, wheel cylinders, and a hydraulic control system
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 10, Issue 6, December-2022
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
[2]. The brake pad, itself, is an important part of the braking system allowing gears to be
changed as in automatic transmissions; and helping to slow down a vehicle or stop the vehicle
completely or to hold the vehicle stationary after it has come to a complete stop. During the
application of brake, friction between brake pads and rotating disc causes the vehicle to stop
by converting kinetic energy of the vehicle into heat energy. The brake pad assembly consists
of steel backing plates with friction materials bound to the surface facing the brake disc [3].
Brake pads are designed for friction, stability, durability and minimization of noise and
Brake pad material is a heterogeneous substance composed of different elements. Each
constituent element has its own functions which include to improve frictional properties at low
and high temperature, reduce noise, prolong life, increase strength and rigidity as well as
reduce porosity. Basically, brake pad materials generally fall into the category of organics, semi- metallic and ceramic friction materials. These materials typically comprise the following sub- components; friction additives, fillers, binder and reinforcing fibers [4]. Combined, these
groups of materials provide the developed brake pads with the necessary properties needed
for it to perform effectively.
Changes in the weight percentage or types of elements in the formulation may result to the
alteration of the chemical, mechanical and physical properties of the brake pad materials
developed [5], [6], [7] and [8]. As a result, each new formulation developed requires to be
subjected to several tests to evaluate its wear and friction properties using on–road braking
performance test as well as abrasion testing mechanism to ensure that the developed friction
pad material meets the minimum requirements of its intended use [9].
Brake pad material development has history spanning over the past 100 years. The earliest
brake pad material was woven, but in the early 1920's, moulded materials which were made of
chrysotile asbestos fibers, a plentiful mineral, were used to replace it. In the 1950's, metallic
pads that were resin–bonded were introduced, and semi–metals which contain higher amount
of metal additives were developed in the 1960s [10]. Yet, asbestos continue to be increasingly
popular among brake pad manufacturers because of its sound absorption, its strength and
flexibility, its resistance to heat, its resistant to electrical and chemical damage and its
availability at reasonable cost [11]. However, since 1970s, the use of asbestos in brake pads has
become a source of concern It was reported that the asbestos inclusion in the commercially
graded brake pads materials is leading to cancer [12], [13], [14] and [15]. Asbestos being
carcinogenic and coupled with the problems of its disposal was therefore, banned in many
countries for use as a friction material [1]. The gradual phasing-out of asbestos as automotive
brake friction materials in many parts of the world has sparked the onset of extensive research
and development into safer alternatives and asbestos free brake pads. As a result, the brake pad
friction lining industry has seen the birth of different brake pads and shoes in the past decade,
each with its own unique composition.
Industrial and agricultural wastes are the ones currently receiving attention as alternative raw
materials to asbestos in the manufacture of brake pads [1]. Several researchers have used
different non-hazardous materials such as: lemon peel powder [16], cow bone and palm kernel
shell [17], cow hooves [18], bagasse[3], palm kernel shell and fiber [19], [20], [21], [22] and
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Mawuli, S. E., Anthony, S., & Akintunde, D. O. (2022). Development of Asbestos-free Disc Brake Pad Using Periwinkle Shell Powder and Coconut
Shell Ash as Base Materials. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(6). 473-491.
[23], palm ash [24], rice husk and rice straw [25], maize husk [26], banana peels powder[27]
and [28]; periwinkle shell [29], [30] and [31], seashell [32], cocoa beans shell [33], palm kernel
shell, coconut shell and cashew shell [34], periwinkle shell and coconut shell [35], coconut shell
and palm kernel shell [36], sawdust composite [14], fan palm shell [32], egg shell [37] and
bamboo fibre [38] to develop brake pads. Brake pads produced from all these materials have
been evaluated for their physical, mechanical, tribological and in some cases morphological
properties; and then compared with asbestos-based brake pads. The various researchers then
concluded that the properties of their developed brake pads compared well with those of the
asbestos-based brake pads and as such can serve as replacements for asbestos in brake pad
The literature presented reveals that apart from the use of coconut shell powder, there is no
research into the use of Coconut Shell Ash (CSA), consecutively combination of Periwinkle Shell
(PS) powder and CSA as ingredients for the development of asbestos free brake pads. On the
other hand, work is ongoing to determine the suitability of CSA as filler material in the
construction and the rubber industries. For example, [39] conducted research into the use of
CSA as filler and Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic waste as substitution materials of
porous asphalt mixtures, where they concluded that the addition of CSA gives satisfactory
results. Similarly, [40] reviewed works done by various researchers in the use of CSA as a
cementitious material in concretes and concluded that the inclusion of CSA in concretes
increases compressive, split tensile and flexural properties with time due to its pozzolanic
nature. Based on this background, this work looks at the suitability of CSA and PS for use as
base materials in the production of brake pads.
In this work, the shell of ‘West African Tall’ coconut which is the common variety found in Ghana
is used. There is abundant production of coconut shells in Ghana, Nigeria, and other Africa
countries mainly along the coastal regions. Despite the many uses into which these shells are
put including for decoration, for jewelry, as cups and ladles, as fuel [41], and for constructional
purposes, the shells are still left as wastes that are stockpiled in open fields. Some are even
dumped into water bodies causing imbalance in the ecological system.
The type of periwinkle used in this work is Tympanotonos fuscatus (radula Linnaeus, 1758) also
known as the West Africa Mud Creeper, belonging to the family Potamididae. It is the
commonest and most dominant species of snail that thrives in the brackish waters in West
Africa. They are found in the edges of lagoons (shallow waters) [42]. This type of periwinkle
has elongated shells with regular increasing whorls, weakly curved ribs, and much fine striation
with blackish brown stripes on the shell. They can reach the size of 25 – 95 mm in length and
0.02 – 9.42 g in weight [43]. The shells of these small gastropods are agricultural wastes which
are also stockpiled in open fields in many areas where they are found causing menace to the
environment. The possible use of coconut shell and PS as an automobile brake pad material will
manage the daily generation of these two materials, to some extent.
Design of Experiments (DoE)
The Design Expert Software is a statistical tool that is utilized in screening, characterization,
and optimization of numerous effects. The design stage involved proper planning on screening
the number of factors to be considered into most required ones when faced with numerous