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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 10, No. 6
Publication Date: December 25, 2022
DOI:10.14738/aivp.106.13535. Mawuli, S. E., Anthony, S., & Akintunde, D. O. (2022). A Conceptual Review of Automobile Disc Brake Friction Materials. European
Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(6). 492-505.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
A Conceptual Review of Automobile Disc Brake Friction Materials
Seckley Emmanuel Mawuli
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana
Simons Anthony
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana
Dahunsi Olurotimi Akintunde
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Providing an alternative filler material for brake pads is crucial because the use of
asbestos as filler material in brake pads has some health risks. It is known that
asbestos can cause Asbestosis and Mesothelioma. This has, therefore, ignited
widespread research into development and finding of eco-friendly brake friction
organic materials. In this paper, some works done by various researchers in a bid
to finding suitable environmentally friendly and best performed compositions for
brake friction materials have been presented. The use of natural fibres such as
maize husks, coconut shell, palm kernel shell, cocoa beans shell, bagasse,
periwinkle shell, sawdust and banana peels as reinforcement to replace asbestos in
the production of brake friction materials with high mechanical properties, stable
friction, high wear resistance, lightweight, low environmental impact and low cost
have been presented. This extensive survey, however, shows that there is no
research on the suitability of other materials such as other types of periwinkle
shells, coconut shell ash and kaolin to replace asbestos as major ingredients in a
brake friction material. There is, therefore, the need to continue to research into
and develop low-cost non asbestos organic brake pad materials for better brake
Keywords: Brake pads, asbestos, filler, organic materials.
According to [1], a brake plays a vital role in any automotive so as to slow down the vehicle or
to stop the vehicle completely. During the application of brake, friction between brake pads and
rotating disc causes the vehicle to stop or slow down by converting kinetic energy of the vehicle
into heat energy. Therefore, a brake pad material should maintain a sufficiently high friction
coefficient with the brake disc, not decompose or break down in such a way that the friction
coefficient with the brake disc is compromised at high temperatures. [2] reported that brake
pads are important components of braking system for all categories of vehicles equipped with
brake discs; and according to them, brake pads are steel backing plates with friction materials
bounded unto the surface facing the brake disc and are placed in the wheel assembly to
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Mawuli, S. E., Anthony, S., & Akintunde, D. O. (2022). A Conceptual Review of Automobile Disc Brake Friction Materials. European Journal of Applied
Sciences, 10(6). 492-505.
continuously clamp and hold wheels to slow them down or completely stop their motion. From
the perspective of [3], brake friction materials play an important role in a braking system. The
ideal brake friction material should have constant coefficient of friction under various
operating conditions such as applied loads, temperature, speeds, mode of braking and in dry or
wet conditions so as to maintain the braking characteristics of a vehicle. They should also be
resistant to heat, water and oil, have low wear rate, high stability, exhibits low noise and should
not damage the brake disc. The major components of brake system are callipers, brake linings,
master cylinder and hydraulic boost units, rotors, brake pedals, cables, pipes, hoses, sensors
and electronic systems controlling the operation of the brakes. Brake lining materials generally
are asbestos, metals, non-asbestos organics (NAO) and ceramics based.
The traditional way of producing brake pad using asbestos fibres is a source of concern to
manufacturers and end users because of the carcinogenic nature of asbestos. [4] reported that
asbestos during application releases hazardous gases, which cause damage to health.
Therefore, many investigators are now using natural fibres to replace carcinogenic asbestos
fibres in brake pad production. According to [5], there has been great need to minimize the use
of asbestos fibres in brake pad production. And in order to achieve this, researchers are
investigating and applying agricultural waste as raw materials for brake pad production as
being reported by [6]. In order to achieve the properties required of brakes, most brake
materials are not composed of single elements or compounds, but rather are composites of
many materials. More than 2000 different materials and their variants are now used in
commercial brake components [7]. According to [8], Herbert Frood is credited with inventing
the first brake lining material in 1897. It was a cotton-based material impregnated with
bitumen solution and was used for wagon wheels as well as in early automobiles. His invention
led to the founding of the Ferodo Company, a firm that still supplies brake materials today. The
first brake lining materials were woven, but in the 1920’s these were replaced with moulded
materials that contained crysotile asbestos fibres, a plentiful mineral. In 1930s, Ferodo changed
to thermosetting resins and produced moulded instead of knitted linings. Resin-bonded
metallic linings were introduced in the 1950’s, and by the 1960’s the so-called ‘semi- mets’ were
developed. [5] again stated that in 1970, glass fibres were introduced but their brittleness led
to their limited application while aramid fibre which was introduced in 1984 as brake pad
material was found to have the same comparative advantage as asbestos, however, it is very
soft. Also in 1974, sepiolite was also proposed to replace asbestos because of the similar
property it exhibits with asbestos but its limitation is that it causes inflammation of the lungs
and pulmonary interstitial fibrosis which is also caused by crocidolite asbestos. Potassium
titanate which was also in use was also associated with a cancer called mesothelioma. In 1992,
ceramic fibre was introduced as an alternative to asbestos but its brittle nature also
necessitated its limited application. Furthermore, a paper type fibre was introduced in 1998 to
replace asbestos though it is associated with the problem of degrading very quickly at
temperature above 150 oC. The fabric type was introduced in 1999 but its high porosity gave
rise to a high flow rate and permeability of fluid which were among its limitations. This brought
about the introduction of sintered materials in 2001. However, these materials degrade at a
much higher temperature and also have a high production cost. [5] further revealed that no
single material could achieve all the desired attributes for an automobile brake pad. Different
constituents of materials were therefore introduced to overcome the challenges encountered
in finding suitable materials for an automobile brake pad.
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 10, Issue 6, December-2022
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
In 1984, the fillers, with the carbonate, Molybdenum trioxide and Titanate, helped to increase
the temperature of the brake pad material to 135 oC, suppressing low frequency brake noise
and also providing heat stability for the material. Moulded linings were made by combining
fibres with resin and polymerizing resin under elevated pressure and temperature [4]. [9]
reported additive effects of different non-asbestos materials on friction lining; the result of
which sensitized increased utilization of asbestos free organic, semi-metallic and metallic
friction lining materials. Consequently, many studies have been done and are still on going for
development of not only asbestos-free brakes but also less temperature generating pads for
better human health and technical efficiency.
According to [10], there are numerous types of brake pads, depending on the intended use of
the vehicle. Literature has listed the main types of brake pads that are commonly used in today's
vehicles as; metallic pads, semi metallic pads, non-asbestos organic or ceramic pads, carbon- carbon pads, eco-friendly materials pads and asbestos pads.
Metallic Pads
These are metallic matrix reinforced with steel, copper or other metals [10]. They have high
strength and high thermal conductivity but great wear damage, increased squeal noise and
vulnerable to corrosion.
Semi Metallic Brake Pads
According to [10] again, these types of brake pads are made from about 30 % to 65 % metal.
They are combination of metals and organic materials, commonly made from steel wool, wire,
copper or other metals. These types of brake pads are considered to be very durable, but also
may wear brake rotors faster. Again, semi-metallic brake pads may not function well in very
low temperatures.
Non-asbestos Organic or Ceramic Brake Pads
This type of brake pads, commonly referred to as NAO, is made from organic materials such as
fibre, glass, rubber and even kevlar. These types of pads are usually softer and do not create
much noise, but they tend to wear faster and create a lot of dust. They have high strength, high
thermal and wear resistance, lightweight and low level of noise but quite brittle and increased
wear in high temperatures [10].
Carbon-carbon Pads
They are similar to ceramics but with superior properties as stated by [10]. They have high
friction properties, high thermal resistance, high wear resistance and lightweight but not
efficient at low temperatures and expensive to produce (high material and manufacturing
Eco-friendly Materials Pads
This is the use of natural fibres such as sisal, flax, hemp, kenaf, jute, coconut shell, banana peels
or palm kernel fibres as reinforcement. They have high mechanical properties, stable friction
coefficient, high wear resistance, lightweight, low environmental impact and low cost but they
tend to agglomerate at mixing and wear from environmental conditions [11].