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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 11, No. 2
Publication Date: April 25, 2023
Maleka, V. M., & Islam, M. S. (2023). Exploring the Efficacy and Feasibility of Wind Energy as A Panacea for Eskom’s Sustainable
Generation with Energy Security and Energy Poverty. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 11(2). 131-142.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Exploring the Efficacy and Feasibility of Wind Energy as A
Panacea for Eskom’s Sustainable Generation with Energy
Security and Energy Poverty
Dr. Victor Chipane Maleka
Atlantic International University (AIU), Pioneer Plaza,
900 Fort Street Mall 905, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam
Atlantic International University (AIU), Pioneer Plaza,
900 Fort Street Mall 905, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
There is ample proof that South Africa's ongoing reliance on fossil fuels as its
primary source of energy consumption. It has contributed to the release of
greenhouse gases that have exacerbated ecosystem disruption causing global
warming and climate change. The study investigated and evaluated the
effectiveness and feasibility of wind energy as a magic bullet to improve energy
security, sustainable energy production, and alleviate energy poverty in South
Africa. This is in order to improve sustainable energy generation, energy security,
and the elimination of these problems. A thorough literature review of papers
published between 2015 and 2022 was done in this study. SWOT analysis method
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is also used in the study.
According to the analysis, Eskom's deployment of wind energy at a large scale can
enhance South Africa's energy security and sustainably provide power while also
lowering the country's present level of energy poverty. The systematic literature
review indicates that South Africa, particularly in the Eastern and Western Cape
regions, offers significant potential for and capacity for renewable wind energy. In
order to incorporate renewable sources into its energy mix and achieve energy
sustainability, Eskom should use macro-level strategies that discourage carbon- based energy.
Keywords: Efficacy; Feasibility; Renewable Energy, Non-Renewable Energy, Fossil Fuel,
Environment, Green Energy, Wind Energy, Fossil Fuels, Eskom, Energy Poverty,
Sustainable Energy, and Energy Security.
Most of the world now relies on fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy sources as their
primary energy sources, however they are quickly depleting (Mas'ud, Wirba, Ardila-Rey,
Albaracin, Muhammad-Sukki, Duque, Bani&Munir, 2017). Non-renewable resource pollution is
a problem that harms both the environment and human health. These issues have led to the
necessity for renewable energy in numerous countries all over the world. Power companies
like Eskom should move from fossil fuels to other energy sources to combat climate change
(Arent, Arndt, Miller, Tarp & Zinaman, 2017; Isoaho, Goritz & Schulz, 2017). The modern energy
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 11, Issue 2, April-2023
transition is typically greatly influenced by changes in legislation, technology, and economic
growth (Cherp, Vinichenko, Jewell, Brutschin & Sovacool, 2018).
Nonetheless, it appears that among the most crucial factors impacting the processes of the
energy transition are supporting policies and effective institutions (Jacobsson & Lauber, 2006).
Several nations have pledged to do more to achieve a clean energy transition in order to fulfill
the ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda regarding SDG 7 (energy and
energy access) and SDG 13 (climate change), as well as the commitments made during the 21st
Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in 2015. However, the analysis of the effectiveness and viability of
switching to renewable wind energy in developing countries, particularly in Africa and South
Africa, has received less attention (Cherp, Vinichenko, Jewell, Suzuki & Antal, 2017; Cherp et al.,
2018). In the context of Africa, the shift to renewable energy should be viewed as clean energy
modernization and expansion rather than a transition in and of itself (Aliyu, Modu, Tan, 2018;
Akinyoade, Uche & Dangote, 2017; IEA. Energy access outlook, 2017).
Background and Context of the Study
Due to its difficulty in producing enough electricity to fulfill demand, South Africa is currently
experiencing an energy crisis. The result of this has been a number of loadshedding cycles.
While Eskom works to get the nation's energy production back to sustainable levels, a reliable
grid ought to be a top priority for all stakeholders on a national level.
Regarding this situation, South Africa has recognized wind energy as a solution to simplify the
switch from non-renewable energy sources to renewable energy sources like wind energy in
order to lessen the challenges and drawbacks associated with using fossil fuels as energy
sources (Mukonza & Nhamo, 2018). A few of the organizations in South Africa that support
renewable energy are the Department of Energy (DoE), Energy Development Corporation,
South Africa National Energy Development Institute, South Africa Wind Energy Association,
South African Renewable Energy Council, South African Renewable Initiative, and Sustainable
Energy Society Southern Africa. In collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI), which hosted the WINDABA conference for African wind energy companies in 2014.
The fastest-growing renewable energy source in the world is wind energy, which has also
become one of the most economically advantageous sources of raw materials per unit of power
produced (Aliyu, Modu & Tan, 2018). Due to the abundance of renewable energy resources in
some locations, empirical studies have shown that more than 62% of South Africa's electricity
needs may be satisfied by wind resources (Zhang, Gari, & Hmurcik, 2014).
This shows that there would be enough wind farms to create around 6700GW, which would be
sufficient to meet the world's electricity needs, if they were erected everywhere in the country,
excluding exclusion zones (Yahiaoui, Benmansour, & Tadjine, 2016). Furthermore, according
to the CSIR, over 80% of South Africa's land mass has sufficient wind resources for the optimal
and technologically advantageous operation of wind farms with a very high annual load factor
of around 30%. (Bracco, Delfino, Pampararo, Robba, & Rossi, 2015; Izadbakhsh, Gandomkar,
Rezvani, & Ahmadi, 2015).