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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 11, No. 2
Publication Date: April 25, 2023
Pirot, F., Hejl, E., & Lavin, C. (2023). Ladoga-Lake-Area Lambeosaurus Capture by A Falling Black Hole, and Its Re-Emergence
Through Hydrated Lateral Extrusion, Explanation of The Scandinavian Peninsula and of the Finnish Lakes as Well as of the Low- Ob’s Delta and of the Novaya Zemlya. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 11(2). 521-525.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Ladoga-Lake-Area Lambeosaurus Capture by A Falling Black
Hole, and Its Re-Emergence Through Hydrated Lateral Extrusion,
Explanation of The Scandinavian Peninsula and of the Finnish
Lakes as Well as of the Low-Ob’s Delta and of the Novaya Zemlya
Florent Pirot
Ewald Hejl
Claire Lavin
Two Lambeosauridae in a homosexual act were gobbled into the Earth by a small
black hole descending along the axis of the Moon to the Earth. These animals killed
into the mantle explain the shape of Scandinavia and of lakes in Central and Eastern
Finland as well as topographical structures in Russia’s North. They were shattered
into the small black hole and their bodies triggered rerise of corresponding
structures explaining the peculiarities of the area in a topographical way and
geological way as well, from the olivines of the Scandinavian Alps to the pattern of
the Urals and of Novaya Zemlya. The construction from eruptive processes within
the mantle explains also the still-ongoing counter-subsidence of the Turun Saaristo
and of the Kvarken archipelagoes, altogether with oil reserves on the Norwegian
The presence of a Lambeosaurus under the impact area of a black hole around the area north- east of St Petersburg explains the later magmatic basal volcanism rising the granites, out of
inmantle nuclear fission, in the mix of fast and slow neutrons caused by the entry of that organic
matter that is the lambeosaurus’ body, of the Scandinavian edge to Eurasia and the side
formation of the Eastern Finnish lakes, as well as of the Yamalia inland sea entry and the Novaya
Zemlya Island group. The Salekhard city corresponds to the French “sale écart” concept
relevant for the tail and its fecal excretions above.
The animal was eaten by the black hole1 in its brutal descent. The model of black hole descent
was exemplified in [1]. The lateral extrusion model (discussed for instance in [2]) describes the
model of magmatic expansion resulting on the Western side, excluding the water component
from the Atlantic Ocean thermalizing, giving the expansion a very liquid lava pattern, without
almost any explosive dimension, typically pillow lava. Lambeosaurus magnicristatus
(discovered by Sternberg in 1935) is the subclade of the first animal taken in by the black hole.
The homochirality of the structure of the crest corresponds to the phenomenon. The era might
1 In a way reminiscent of the Cold War customs of using hunting meat, esp. reindeer, in Finland, for MiG
propulsion in RBMK-style core.
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 11, Issue 2, April-2023
have been called Cretaceous out of a later traumatism transmitted through human memory of
some domineering animal that adopted a particularly aggressive behaviour and it corresponds
to that crest-bearing animal, of the Magnicristatus subgroup. The homochirality concept of
chemistry describes as well the structure of the crest and the structure corresponds to the use
of the closeness with antigravitons, whose S-shape adapts very well to the round crest of the
Magnicristatus, creating the temptation of the creeping addiction phenomenon that will take
down this individual. The use of the intervalley antigravitons by the animal for disrupting his
own brain and not thinking much creates in a certain perspective Nature’s self-defense of
gobbling it within the Earth, which in other words means natural selection of an animal having
ceded to the path dependence comfort of de-activating his own brain with intervalley nano
black holes, with certainly the black hole in between the Earth and the Moon catalyzing the
The Khanka lake results from the impact of a two-sided black hole in the late era of Seon of
Balhae, whose Korean name 발해 선왕 indicates that he is the one from which the lakes
emerges, with the description of the earth mowing phenomena with land verticalization after
impact of the dual black hole on the land, rebounce in the center of the impact area after
liquefaction resulting from the black holes passing (third character) and, fourth character,
emergence and stabilization of the two lakes. The next king’s name describes better the lattice
formation after the black hole descent leading to stabilization of the Khanka Lake sediments, in
Chinese 大彝震 because the Balhae civilization was already partly disappearing and being
annexed progressively by the Manchus. The civilizational model relates to the sin in Buddhism
of fur hunting and trading with the Japanese civilization for the Balhae that had adopted
Buddhism and Shamanism. Their overgrowth in a cluster of cities, in its feodal structure
centered certainly around hunting, since Butha in Mandchu means hunting and this also
corresponds for instance to the low French “buter” (slang for killing), perhaps exploitation
processes lead to the gravitational opportunity that sanctions the contradictions between
Buddhism and the hunting – fur trade culture that is associated to exports to Japan in exchange
for many wealthes. Whereas the weight of the Eurasian continent may explain the coming of
the black hole attracted initially by the thinness of the Pacific basalts and relative proximity of
the core black hole of the Earth, especially around Hawaii, this is not enough and urban
overdevelopment with heavy piles of stones relates to a magnificent, imperial architecture
The descent of the related black holes into the Earth’s black hole creates on the other side the
excess gravity that explains the formation of the intra-Latvia gulf. The 2013 collapse that killed
48 in Riga [3], for instance, is also explained by that phenomenon – see also the more recent
collapse as well in Riga [4]. The supplementary presence of these supplementary antigravitons
in the Earth’s black hole sometime creates the soil frailty that impedes the development of
heavy structures in Latvia.
This model allows to understand very much the earlier phenomenon. In this lambeosauridae
case, the catch of the animal during the descent is explained by its own weight. The intermediate
mass of the dinosaur allows release into the mantle of the water carried by the animal under
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Pirot, F., Hejl, E., & Lavin, C. (2023). Ladoga-Lake-Area Lambeosaurus Capture by A Falling Black Hole, and Its Re-Emergence Through Hydrated
Lateral Extrusion, Explanation of The Scandinavian Peninsula and of the Finnish Lakes as Well as of the Low-Ob’s Delta and of the Novaya Zemlya.
European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 11(2). 521-525.
antigraviton hashing. The water released explains the formation of the structure of lakes in
Eastern-Central Finland.
The observation of the Finnish lakes and of the Onega Lake shows that the Magnicristatus was
in a homosexual sodomy relationship when he was caught by the black hole. The testicles and
small penis of the passive Lambei are visible on the Finnish side above Kausala, and in
Taipalsaari2 (Riutanselkä) the erect penis of the active component. The Onega Lake structure
helps to confirm3.
While Väisänen, Mänttäri and Hölttä have established a datation of 1,91 to 1,81 Ga for “crustal
melting” [5], the effects of curium247 fireballs (natural in this area with crustal weight, and still
sometimes seen) explain distorsions in the datation results in the U-Pb model used by the
authors. The U235 injections from Cm247 decays (as fission at impact of Cm247 is with low
yields related to its intermediate cross sections) derail the results of the authors. The structure
of the lake Kemijärvi and the Tapionniemi city4 rebound with the Taipalsaari and the geodesical
structure north of that area together with the uranium aboundance correspond with
undermantle resurfacing from the mantle plume created by the initial semi-hydratation from
the two Lambeosauridae gobbled. The structure of the Lambei emerges west of Muurola. The
south of Solberget in Sweden corresponds to the area of sodomy and its theoretical farts would
emerge at around Flakaberg. The skull of the Magnicristatus emerges not only through the
structure of Sweden and Norway but also south of Saltoluokta.
The mantle activity of the black hole antigravitons hashing the animals led also with other spins
of antigravitons to the formation of the Novaya Zemlya and of the Low Ob’s delta. The name
Siunai-Sale evokes the costs of heavy sin in a logic where salt evokes a heavy price5.
The observation of the White Sea shows as for the earlier lakes the effects of thermalization
related to a body dominated mostly by water, the active Lambeosaurus. The passive was
stimulated for the research of sodomy orgasm by a bigger load of alpha emitters that descended
deeper in the mantle and pressed onto the core black hole causing the re-emergence by trigger
effect on that central black hole of many more actinides, resulting in the Ural uranium reserves.
The observation of the distance from the Lake Ladoga to the Ural Mountains leads to a proposal
of 1200 kilometers for the depth of the mantle to the core black hole of the Earth. The animals
were having homosexual sex near Poudoj, Пудож6, and the black holes resurfaced without them
near Sortavala, Сортавала, along with the spin of the Moon around the Earth. Their bodies
allowed with the thermalization brought and the supplementary descent of alpha emitters the
expansion of the terrestrial crust, triggering the eruption giving progressively birth to
Scandinavia, and the feeds of granite on the shape of a spinal line for its Alps after rebounce of
2 “Lac des tapettes” indicates very close primitive understanding
3 With the traditional “onanism” word used by puritans to describe in fact homosexuality
4 Corresponding to “Tapette nouvelle”
5 Une “amende salée”
6 Indicating doggy-style
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the densest component of the animals, especially the passive one in sexual need, onto the core
black hole of the Earth explaining rise of elements released in consequence by the black hole,
in a varsity depending on the mergers under intermediate pressures in the superior layers of
that black hole. This explains the varsity and organization of minerals in the Scandinavian Alps,
with rare earths, iron, scandium and cobalt as major elements associated to the organic
densities of the lambeosauridae allowing the space for formation of such elements, along with
olivine crystallization (carrying the skin of the dinosaurs) in the same structure. The shattering
by the black hole of the organic matter into the rocks of the underground i.e., the lateralization
by the release in the round hooks of the swinging, whirlwinging antigravitons of the organic
matters of the lambeosauridae impacting it into the mantle matter and compacting it into such
particular crystals keeping in themselves the organic matter. The magmatic rises are still
ongoing at low intensities, from the result of the initial spin of the core black hole of the Earth
and of the fission trigger involved by the descent of the passive-homosexual animal within. The
land uplift of the Kvarken [6], by 9 mm/year, leads to a 800 000 000 barrels of oil per year
reserves estimates for Norway thanks to the process. It is also inbetween the separation area
of the tail that Novaya Zemlya is and of the Salekhard track of the obviated animals that the
northernmost Russian reserves of oil are found. Catalyzation of agglomeration of elements from
the central black hole of the Earth in equation patterns that correspond to the initial intakes of
organic materials, keeping the cycle with resulting re-emergence of hydrocarbons, out of
continuation of the spin pattern of the antigravitons acting as a noria and keeping always the
same spaces for matter selection in the deeper layers of the mantle (from the oils formed under
heavy pressures under the Nizhnesortymskiy hills (indicating not-yet-sorted), with the mix of
deep crust actinides and of rivers allowing relative thermalization of the fission points
permitting out of side pressures on these fission areas the fusion leading to oil production)
privileging hence hydrocarbons out of the acquired path dependence, explains the heavy oil
resources of that area (estimated at 3 200 000 000 barrels per year by including also the
Priozerny – Urengoy – Khalyasavei triangle).
Another similar processus is also evident in the Ozero Lobaz with the Poutorana chain east of
Norilsk, up to Popigai, and the lake Yessey as exit area for the relevant black hole. The animal
is another Lambeosaurus Magnicristatus, a single one shattered vertically and gobbled in the
Ozero Lobaz, before the Ессей exit of the antigravitons in a very agglomerated way because a
single animal was gobbled (only one round hook of the extremum of the antigraviton
agglomerate is visible north of that lake).
Sulfur was found to be a significant component of pillow lavas involved in the magmatic
extrusion. The “mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation” along with fractional
crystallization and oxygen fugacity [7] all confirm the phenomena from the point of view of the
magmatism within the soil, with the lambeosauridae’s absorption and hashing by the
antigravitons. The absence of heavy oxygenation during the homosexual relation, linked to the
will of animals to compress between each other, to stimulate sexually their organs more7, is
also confirmed. That the homosexual lambeosauridae compressed each other in the sexual act
7 The sodomy focus of the first animal presented in the introduction paragraph seems to explains the loss
of retention of the oxygen on the lungs as the focus on the “o” shape of the anus is associated with
opening of the mouth leading to progressive loss of oxygen from lungs. Hence the findings of [7].
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Pirot, F., Hejl, E., & Lavin, C. (2023). Ladoga-Lake-Area Lambeosaurus Capture by A Falling Black Hole, and Its Re-Emergence Through Hydrated
Lateral Extrusion, Explanation of The Scandinavian Peninsula and of the Finnish Lakes as Well as of the Low-Ob’s Delta and of the Novaya Zemlya.
European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 11(2). 521-525.
for erotic purposes to the point that some antigravitons were naturally generated in between
them was clearly the core origin of the natural descent of the nano black hole onto them,
complementing their own homosexually-generated antigravitons, ending them into the Earth’s
[1] Pirot F, Micro Black Holes Near the Earth’s Surface: Case Reports Explained. Adv Earth & Env Sci, 2022;
3(1): 1-3. Doi: 10.47485/2766-2624.1018
[2] Hejl E. The lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps: fact or fiction? PLUS, Research, 1996, https://uni-
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[5] Väisänen M, Mänttäri I, Hölttä P, Svecofennian magmatic and metamorphic evolution in southwestern Finland
as revealed by U-Pb zircon SIMS geochronology, Precambrian Research, Vol 116, Issues 1–2,2002
[6] Poutanen M, Steffen H, Land uplift at Kvarken Archipelago / high coast UNESCO World Heritage area,
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[7] Halkoaho T, Liimatainen J, Papunen H, Va limaa J, Exceptionally Cr-rich basalts in the komatiitic volcanic
association of the Archaean Kuhmo greenstone belt, eastern Finland. Mineralogy and Petrology 70, 105–120,