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European Journal of Applied Sciences – Vol. 13, No. 1
Publication Date: February 25, 2025
Alkhatatneh, O. A., Li, W., Cheng, Y., Frah, M. A., Dao, D., & Almajali, I. O. I. (2025). Digitalization, Planning, and Sustainability in
Project Management in Jordan’s Construction Sector: Enhancing Project Success through Stakeholder Engagement and Virtual
Work Dynamics. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 13(1). 46-78.
Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom
Digitalization, Planning, and Sustainability in Project
Management in Jordan’s Construction Sector: Enhancing Project
Success through Stakeholder Engagement and Virtual Work
Omar A. Alkhatatneh
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Wu Li
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Yao Cheng*
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Mohamed A. Frah
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and
Technical Studies, University of Kordofan, El- Obeid, 51111, Sudan
Daojun Dao
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Ibrahim Omar Ibrahim Almajali
School of Economics and Trade,
Hunan University, Changsha 410006, China
Due to the growing client requirements for cost-effective solutions and
environmentally friendly projects, the construction business remains pressured to
deliver sustainable project results and objectives. Although the role of
sustainability in project management has been widely explored and documented,
there is growing research interest regarding integrating digitalized tools and
sustainable project planning into sustainable project success; its relation to virtual
teams is explicitly relatively unknown, especially within the developing world
context such as Jordan. This research is intended to fill this gap by assessing the
effect of sustainability in project management, Digitalization, and sustainable
project planning on sustainable project success, with the virtue of the work
environment acting as a moderator and stakeholder engagement as a mediator. To
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Alkhatatneh, O. A., Li, W., Cheng, Y., Frah, M. A., Dao, D., & Almajali, I. O. I. (2025). Digitalization, Planning, and Sustainability in Project Management
in Jordan’s Construction Sector: Enhancing Project Success through Stakeholder Engagement and Virtual Work Dynamics. European Journal of
Applied Sciences, Vol - 13(1). 46-78.
meet this research aim, the structured questionnaire was distributed to one
hundred project engineers, managers, and other project professionals in Jordan's
construction industry. The gathered data were investigated to evaluate the claimed
link using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach using the Smart PLS tool. The
findings show that the success of a project mainly depends on digitization,
environmentally friendly project design, and sustainable project management.
Moreover, the virtual work environment and stakeholder engagement were
recognized as the significant mediator and moderator of these relationships. The
implications drawn from the study point to the critical need for construction firms
to embrace integrated and sustainable project management models, incorporate
technology in their execution, and be keen to involve stakeholders. Therefore, these
concepts might be used to raise project-level organizational performance and help
to meet more general sustainable development targets in the building sector.
Keywords: sustainability in project management, Digitalization, sustainable project
planning, sustainable project success, virtuous work environment, stakeholder
Sustainability is the ability to sustain a specific level. In this study, sustainability refers to
project management's economic, environmental, and social advantages inside a construction
organization. Sustainability must be included in project management strategies to secure future
economic, environmental, and societal advantages [1]. The previously mentioned constraints—
time, money, scope, and quality—have historically dominated the conventional perspective on
project success. Recent studies indicate that a successful project nowadays consists of customer
advantages, organizational learning, stakeholder engagement and enjoyment, and society well- being [2–6]. Academics have lately underlined the importance of substituting a more all- encompassing perspective that takes social, environmental, and financial issues as fundamental
success determinants for projects for short-term measurements, including time, money, and
quality. Complementing this long-term strategy is the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept, which
has developed into a valuable tool for completely and environmentally friendly evaluation of
project performance [7–11].
According to Rahim et al. [12], indicate that Sustainability in project management (SPM)
significantly influences project outcomes by aligning with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
approach, which incorporates financial, social, and environmental factors. Sustainable project
management includes the strategic planning, supervision, and regulation of project execution
and support mechanisms. This method considers the ecological, economic, and social aspects
of the project's resource lifecycle, procedures, deliverables, and impacts. Its purpose is to
promote openness, equity, ethical behavior, and active stakeholder engagement while
providing advantages to stakeholders [13]. The Sustainability in Project Management is
explained in figure 1.
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 13, Issue 1, February-2025
Figure 1: Sustainability in project management
Source: Developed by the researcher
Jordan's construction industry lacks labor-intensive industries, innovation, competitiveness,
and enablers [14]. Shortages of raw materials, limitations in data storage capacity,
unpredictability in handling, and the need for consistent streaming adversely affect the overall
economic sustainability of organizations[15]. Triple bottom-line management is a term
commonly used to define sustainable enterprises. According to Odeh and Mohammad [16], the
construction sector gradually integrates sustainability managers' functions into standard
operating practices. Many organizations in Jordan have chosen a sustainable strategy. Yet, there
is still significant variance in how it is executed, and project planners and sustainability
managers frequently encounter opposition, indifference, and misconceptions[17].
Effective project management throughout the life cycle relies heavily on project planning,
which is crucial in achieving project success [18]. Sustainability measurement components
must be included as a project success requirement to encourage sustainability in project
management and planning.
To effectively integrate stakeholder demands and establish sustainable practices, it is essential
to actively engage stakeholders in managing sustainable projects. This leads to better decision- making and project results [19]. Establishing a stable project environment has various benefits,
including assuring project success, guaranteeing efficient knowledge acquisition and
stakeholder participation, and thus enabling long-term project management practices[20–23].
Virtual tools and solutions for information and communication technology (ICT) can be
negative or positive, depending on how effectively the infrastructure works, which applications
are acceptable, and how well stakeholders adapt to new technologies[24–26]. However, the
virtual collaborative environment is believed to be a more realistic and long-term means to
manage project and general organizational tasks [19]. The introduction of virtual team settings
•Administrative •Social
•Environment •Economics
1-Climent Change
1-Human rights
2-Equity &Equality
1-Legislation &
2-Health & Safety
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Alkhatatneh, O. A., Li, W., Cheng, Y., Frah, M. A., Dao, D., & Almajali, I. O. I. (2025). Digitalization, Planning, and Sustainability in Project Management
in Jordan’s Construction Sector: Enhancing Project Success through Stakeholder Engagement and Virtual Work Dynamics. European Journal of
Applied Sciences, Vol - 13(1). 46-78.
and their continuing transition has tested traditional concepts of project success and offered
new areas for research into project success theory [27, 28].
Research Problem and Gap and Significance of the Study
The shift towards sustainability is gradually becoming inevitable for companies across the
world. When creating and executing a project, sustainability integration is seen as an absolute
must, not an optional extra[29]. However, the relevance of sustainability is beyond debate, and
many project managers find it difficult to integrate sustainability requirements into the
standard assessment of project success criteria, including cost, time, and scope[30]. Research
into the impacts of digitalization on sustainability is still in the early stages; however, this
technology demonstrates significant potential for enhancing transparency and efficiency in
project management [27]. Moreover, another critical success factor, stakeholder engagement,
becomes more problematic in virtual work environments. Since organizations have embraced
remote and hybrid work models, understanding how these virtual spaces affect engagement
stakeholders to achieve sustainable project outcomes is still relatively unknown. Therefore, the
main objective of this research is to address the following question: what is the effect of
sustainably managing projects, digitalizing projects, and planning sustainably about successful
projects, and how are such relationships impacted by virtual work settings as a moderator and
mediated by stakeholder involvement?
Previous research has separately focused on project management, sustainability, and
Digitalization[31]. However, the combined understanding of these assumptions, especially
regarding ideas connected with sustainability in project management, is still rather limited. For
instance, although digitalization has received much attention regarding its efficiency and
productivity antecedents, its work on sustaining a successful project has not been established
enough[32]. Similarly, investigations of stakeholder engagement are largely grounded in face- to-face cooperation; there is little evidence on how technological advancement influences
stakeholders' functions regarding sustainability[33]. Researchers draw attention to the lack of
research looking at the combined impacts of these features on the feasibility of sustainable
performance of the project[34]. This study aims to fill the existing information gap by
examining the interactions involved in digitalization, virtual work environments, sustainable
project planning, stakeholder engagement, and sustainability within project management.
Sustainability in project management and technological advancements are two areas where the
present literature makes significant contributions; however, there are scant few attempts to
simultaneously incorporate all of the identified factors alongside sustainability to understand
their effects on sustainable project delivery. Although managing sustainability is widely hyped
as a strategic imperative, most of the extant works investigate the overall effects of
sustainability on organizational performance or the environment[35]. According to the
authors' understanding, there appears to be a limited amount of research addressing the
connection between sustainable project management and the achievement of environmental
objectives during both the planning and execution phases of these projects[20].
The literature review indicates that the majority of the current research is focused on the ways
in which IT enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of project management. However, the
potential of Digitalization to drive sustainability benefits – including resource use optimization,
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[54]. The integration of ICT tools, achieved via iterative and incremental development,
successfully addresses technical complexity and frequent demand changes, increasing data and
resource management and security[49].
The diversification and success of projects, particularly those focused on sustainability that
encompass economic, social, and environmental dimensions, show a positive correlation with
the adoption of digitalization methods and tools [55]. For instance, the flow of technology
enhances the assessment of organizational impacts on environmental sustainability by using
carbon footprints, energy usage and resource usage in projects undertaken by organizations
[56]. It also assists in other collaborations involving the teams and other stakeholders,
enhancing the communication and coordination processes essential to achieving sustainable
goals[57]. Also, projects can enhance successful project operations through digital platforms as
they can lead to time and cost-efficiency compliance with sustainability requirements and
standards [58]. But whatever the case, the ability to advance Digitalization in sustainable
projects needs the right structure, trained staff, and good use of digital tools to counter
problems like data privacy issues, digital inclusion, and technological difficulties [59].This led
to the development of the following hypothesis:
• H2: Digitalization has a significant impact on the success of sustainable projects.
Sustainable Project Planning and Sustainable Project Success
During the duration of the project, the planning phase encompasses activities, resources, time,
and financial considerations [1]. This study emphasizes the importance of long-term project
planning for construction organizations through the implementation of management control,
risk response strategies, and fostering internal work consensus. This study indicates that
organizations that excel in sustaining projects over long durations exhibit effectiveness,
stakeholder engagement, teamwork, and preparedness for future commercial success. Effective
project planning is crucial to project management as it guarantees the ongoing execution of
projects within the organization[60].
According to Gunduz and Almuajebh [61], the success of a project-oriented organization is
intrinsically tied to the project outputs, which include the company's basic competencies and
important business. Competent project management is distinguished by its capacity to evaluate
and organize performance[62]. Project metrics, as defined by the Project Management Institute,
encompass budget, time, scope, quality, resources, and risk. These measurements are crucial in
guaranteeing the organization's performance, as stated by Latiffi and Zulkiffli [63]. A few of the
elements that have already been established and researched include customer impact, team
dynamics, sustainability, future preparedness, company success, and project efficiency[45, 52],
[64, 65].
Risk management helps to reduce high-risk activities, and project risk is assessed throughout
the planning process[66]. As a result, planning can help to resolve project uncertainties [7].
Furthermore, full planning enables a project team to comprehend project objectives and direct
project conduct properly, hence improving execution efficiency. Previous studies focused on
sustainable project planning strategies that impact project success [67]. There is a dearth of
studies aimed at elucidating how sustainability affects the effectiveness of sustainable projects
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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 13, Issue 1, February-2025
sustainable initiatives because its principal role involves making sure that everyone's needs
and concerns are met and that sustainable initiatives are in tune with stakeholder aspirations
[78]. Early stage participation of stakeholders in a project's life cycle raises its long-term
success likelihood by raising its sensitivity to environmental, social, and economic
sustainability challenges[20].
In digitalization, stakeholder engagement is a key moderating variable that defines how
organizations incorporate and leverage technology to deliver sustainable value. The initiatives
taken with the help of digital technologies include sharing information and ideas with various
stakeholders and making project implementation more transparent and accountable [33].
Where stakeholders are engaged in a project's digital processes, it is possible for their inputs to
inform the optimization of improved projects digital and sustainability objectives to ensure
technology is a force for sustainability improvement and enhanced project effectiveness [79].
On the other hand, a non-important engagement of the stakeholders coordinated to the
implementation of the change may result in resistance to change, underutilization of tools, or
incongruence of the digital strategies formulated with the sustainability goals necessary for
sustainability project advancement; these may compromise a project's successes [10].
The main argument is more specific and goes as follows: sustainable project planning also gains
from stakeholder engagement since the main advantages include increased sustainability and
improved meeting of stakeholders' needs [80]. Stakeholder involvement effectively provides a
perception of the social and environmental ramifications of the mission plans and makes
adaptations to conform to sustainable practices [81]. In this way, the sustainability goals
provide mediators because stakeholders assist in explaining sustainable objectives and their
plans while considering all the interested parties. Thus, mediation of stakeholder engagement
ensures improved communication and cooperation and increased commitment towards
sustainable project objectives, which will be instrumental to project success in the long run
[82]. Hence, stakeholders' participation is crucial in assuring sustainable development,
digitization, and project planning mechanisms towards successful project delivery. Therefore,
the following hypotheses were formulated:
• H5: Stakeholder engagement has a positive mediating effect on the influence of
sustainability in project management (SPM), Digitalization, and sustainable project
planning and project success
• H6: Stakeholder engagement (SE) is significantly related to sustainability in project
management (SPM).
• H7: Digitalization has a significant relationship with Stakeholders ‘Engagement.
• H8: Sustainable Project planning has a significant relationship with Stakeholders
Stakeholders' Engagement and Sustainable Project Success
Depending on their interests and motives, project success (PS)criteria might differ between one
stakeholder and another. It is critical to understand that PS is not only controlled by the iron
triangle's outmoded measurements [33]. Stakeholder engagement (SE) is the active
involvement of stakeholders in the assignment, allowing them to effect policymaking and stay
up to date on project developments. As a result, the extent of stakeholder participation may
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Alkhatatneh, O. A., Li, W., Cheng, Y., Frah, M. A., Dao, D., & Almajali, I. O. I. (2025). Digitalization, Planning, and Sustainability in Project Management
in Jordan’s Construction Sector: Enhancing Project Success through Stakeholder Engagement and Virtual Work Dynamics. European Journal of
Applied Sciences, Vol - 13(1). 46-78.
Figure 3: Conceptual Framework
Source: Developed by the researcher
Demographic Data
Table 1: Demographic data
Variables Description Percentage (%)
Gender Male
Age Group 25 – 30 Years
30 – 35 Years
35 – 40 Years
40 and Above
Qualification Bachelor degree
Master degree
PhD degree
Designation Low-Level Management (Executives)
Middle Level Management
Top Level Management (Owner, CEO, MD, GM, Director etc.)
Regarding the gender distribution of the sample in table 1, 73% are male and 27% female. The
age distribution shows that the largest group is the 30-35 years (45%) while the second largest
group is 35-40 (30%), implying young workers dominate the sector. Majority of the respondent
had postgraduate education level 50% had master degree, 30% had Bachelor’s degree and 20%
had doctorate degree. According to the posts, 40% of the employees are middle managers and
35% are upper/down line managers and the remaining 25% is lower level managers. This
indicates that the authors have attempted to take a sample that is well educated and has a fair
amount of experience and majority of them occupies middle to senior managerial posts.