European Journal of Applied Sciences
<p><em>European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) </em> is peer-reviewed open access online journal that provides a medium of the rapid publication of original research papers, review articles, book reviews and short communications covering all aspects of applied sciences and natural sciences.</p> <p>A wide range of topics in applied and natural sciences are covered, which includes but not limited to the Agriculture, Fisheries, Architecture and design, Divinity, Education, Engineering and technology, Environmental studies and forestry, Family and consumer science, Atmospheric sciences, Oceanography, Human physical performance and recreation, Journalism, Media studies and communication, Business, Law, Library and museum studies, Military sciences, Public administration, Public policy, Social work, Transportation.</p> <p>The journal aims is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Electronic files and software regarding the full details of the calculation or experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary electronic material.</p>ScholarPublishing on behalf of Services for Science and Education, United Kingdomen-USEuropean Journal of Applied Sciences2634-9221Characterization of Periwinkle Shell Powder as a Possible Replacement for Asbestos in the Production of Automotive Disc Brake Linings
<p>This study investigates the potential of Periwinkle Shell (PS) powder as a substitute for asbestos in friction lining materials, given the carcinogenic nature of asbestos. Periwinkle, a small univalve gastropod mollusk, specifically Tympanotonos fuscatus (commonly called the West African Mud Creeper), is explored for its suitability in industries like construction and brake pad manufacturing. However, there is limited research on the properties of periwinkle shell. To address this gap, the study characterizes the PS powder using a range of tests, including mechanical testing, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Differential Scanning Calorimetry-Thermogravimetric Analysis (DSC-TGA), and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The findings show that the density of PS powder (1.316 g/cm³ for untapped bulk density and 1.718 g/cm³ for dry bulk density) is lower than that of asbestos, which has a density of 2.22 g/cm³. Additionally, the chemical and mineralogical compositions of PS powder are similar to asbestos, both containing silica, calcite, anhydrite, and quartz, as indicated by the presence of SiO₂, CaO, MgO, and Al₂O₃. In terms of thermal stability, PS powder exhibits comparable properties to asbestos, with a peak degradation temperature of 745.88 °C and a total weight loss of 16 % for PS powder, versus 700 °C and 11 % weight loss for asbestos. These results suggest that PS powder could be a viable alternative to asbestos in automotive friction lining materials.</p>Seckley Emmanuel MawuliSimons AnthonyDahunsi Olurotimi Akintunde
Copyright (c) 2025 Seckley Emmanuel Mawuli, Simons Anthony, Dahunsi Olurotimi Akintunde
2025-03-222025-03-2213210611810.14738/aivp.132.18429Fuxi Model Precipitation Forecast Correction Algorithm Based on Matrix Transformation
<p>A precipitation area correction model is designed by using the ideas of matrix rotation and matrix translation. The errors of the precipitation forecasts of the Fuxi large - scale model are statistically learned, and the precipitation area deviation is corrected according to the statistical values. The test results show that the precipitation area error after correction is reduced by 2% compared with that before correction, and the deviation is reduced by 1%.</p>Gao HuaBao DonglingZheng Zuofang
Copyright (c) 2025 Gao Hua, Bao Dongling, Zheng Zuofang
2025-03-132025-03-13132364010.14738/aivp.132.18416The Achievements of Morocco Following the Joint Organization of the 2030 FIFA World Cup with Spain and Portugal
<p>The joint organization of the 2030 FIFA World Cup between Morocco, Spain, and Portugal represents a major opportunity for Morocco’s economic, social, and infrastructural development. This article examines the country's main achievements, particularly in terms of infrastructure investments, tourism development, sports diplomacy, and socio-economic impact. Through an in-depth analysis of available data and case studies, we highlight the direct and indirect benefits of this event for Morocco. Additionally, we use the 2010 FIFA World Cup hosted by South Africa as a case study to predict the impact of the 2030 tournament.</p>Rafik El Kiasse
Copyright (c) 2025 Rafik El Kiasse
2025-03-222025-03-2213211912310.14738/aivp.132.18388Exploring Synergies: The Benefits of Maize - Legume Intercropping Systems in Eastern Uganda
<p>The study was carried out to investigate the agronomic and economic benefits of intercropping maize (Mz) with legumes. The experiment was arranged in RCBD with three replications during 2023 and 2024. The 8 treatments were conventional Mz (75 x 30cm), paired row (PR) Mz (100/50 x 30cm), 3 PR maize + 2 rows of each of groundnuts (Gn), soybeans (Sb) and beans (Bn) plus 3 pure legumes at 40x 10 cm. Results in 2023 and 2024 showed that PR maize + legumes significantly (P>0.05) increased maize plant height in both seasons, but the cobs per plant, 1000 seed weight and maize grain yield were not significant. During 2023, significant reductions were recorded in pods per plant (PP) and filled pods per plant (FPP). Percent filled pods (PFP) increased under Sb and reduced for Bn but was not significant for Gn. In 2024 the PP and FPP reduced for the intercrops while PFP were not significant. Height for the intercrops increased during 2023 and it raised only for Gn and soybeans in 2024. Legume intercrops yields declined during 2023 and 2024. The Partial land equivalent ratio (pLER) of Mz were less than unity during both seasons and Sb similarly recorded a low pLER during 2023 but a high pLER was recorded in 2024. Combined LER (cLER) for Mz and intercrops were significant (P>0.001) for groundnuts during both seasons. Mz/Gn recorded higher MAI & MEY during 2023 while Mz + Bn and Mz + Sb had low values. Mz/Gn produced high TMGYE during 2023 and the other treatments were low. Higher Aggresivity (A) was recorded under Mz/Gn during 2023 and 2024 with low A under Mz/Sb and Mz/Bn in 2024. The results indicate that Mz + Gn had higher synergies amongst the cropping combinations and recommended.</p>Kaiira Moses GodfreyOmiat Emmanuel GilbertKasozi NasserKagoda FrankGidoi RobertElesu Moses
Copyright (c) 2025 Kaiira Moses Godfrey, Omiat Emmanuel Gilbert, Kasozi Nasser, Kagoda Frank, Gidoi Robert, Elesu Moses
2025-03-132025-03-13132203510.14738/aivp.132.18380Revisiting Hydration and Water Scarcity: Technological Advances and Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET) Activation
<p>The concept of global water scarcity requires reexamination in light of recent technological advancements, such as solar desalination and Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET). While water covers approximately 70% of the Earth's surface, the potential for freshwater generation through solar desalination, alongside innovations in hydration technology, offers new opportunities for addressing the growing concern of water scarcity. This article explores the role of water in human health, the physiological implications of hydration, and the innovative benefits of MRET-activated water in improving hydration efficiency. Furthermore, we examine the potential of MRET technology to promote longevity and enhance overall physiological function.</p>Igor SmirnovHoward Fisher
Copyright (c) 2025 Igor Smirnov, Howard Fisher
2025-03-132025-03-13132161910.14738/aivp.132.18260A Solution to the Fiat Currency Problem: Uranium and Thorium Coins
<p>Ludwig von Mises' concept of "barter-fiction," a theoretical market in which transactions occur through direct exchange, could potentially become feasible with the introduction of uranium and thorium-based currency. These currencies, containing energy in the form of nuclear fission, could replace fiat money by being used for a wide range of practical applications, from powering cars and homes to facilitating public services. Uranium and thorium have high energy density and produce low gamma radiation, making them suitable for use as money, with the added benefit of being traceable via gamma spectrometry to prevent contamination, such as from plutonium. In these systems, the coins could act as sources of nuclear fuel, facilitating energy production via subcritical reactors that utilize both fast and slow neutrons. Proper safeguards, including plastic shielding, would be necessary to ensure safety and prevent misuse, such as the addition of harmful materials like crematory plutonium. This nuclear-based monetary system could potentially replace fiat money, which suffers from inflation and instability. The use of uranium and thorium coins would encourage responsible mining and land use, aligning monetary creation with tangible resources. Banks, potentially also mining operators, could issue these currencies responsibly, limiting supply and ensuring value creation through work, unlike fiat money, which is often inflated irresponsibly. This system would discourage the creation of harmful or inefficient materials, such as sodium-mash bombs, which would have limited military applications. In a world where the market values uranium and thorium more than fiat money, the financial landscape would shift toward more sustainable, accountable forms of currency.</p>Florent PirotClaire Lavin
Copyright (c) 2025 Florent Pirot, Claire Lavin
2025-03-222025-03-2213210110510.14738/aivp.132.18474The Cold Forming Analysis of Stainless Battery Bolts
<p>A multi-stage cold forming process for the manufacture of battery stainless bolts is studied numerically with AISI 316 stainless steel in this study. The cold forming process through five stages includes preparation and centering for backward extrusion, backward extrusion over die pin, two upsetting operations, and square trimming. The numerical simulations of cold forming are carried out using the finite element code of DEFORM-3D. The formability of the workpiece is studied, such as the effect on forming force responses, maximum forming forces, effective stress and strain distributions and metal flow pattern. In the five-stage forming process, in the two upsetting and the square trimming forming stages, the effective stresses in the head of the workpiece are significantly high, and the effective strains are also significantly high due to large deformation. The flow line distributions are also very complex in which the flow lines in the trimming region of the upset head are severely bent, highly compacted, and eventually fractured due to excessive trimming. For the maximum axial forming force, the fourth stage of secondary upsetting to form a cylindrical head to a larger outer diameter is 347.2 kN, which is the largest among the five stages due to the large amount of upsetting. However, for the forming energy, the third stage, which the workpiece is firstly upset into a conical shape, is 530.1 J, which is the largest among the five stages due to longer acted axial forming stroke. The total maximum axial forming forces from the first to the last stages are 597.1 kN and the total forming energies are about 1.36 kJ.</p>Chih-Cheng YangThi Thu Trang VienYung-Sheng Lin
Copyright (c) 2025 Chih-Cheng Yang, Thi Thu Trang Vien, Yung-Sheng Lin
2025-03-222025-03-22132728310.14738/aivp.132.18421The Great Debate Toward Conceiving the Fundamental Laws of The Universe, Revelation Against Experimentation
<p>Exploring the intricate relationship between revelation and experimentation in understanding the fundamental laws of the universe is a mission that must be confronted in the current era. Through historical debates and modern scientific we discuss examples, which contrasts the materialistic approach of contemporary science with insights derived from spiritual revelation. The discussion emphasizes the limitations of human perception and highlights the need for an integrative approach that combines empirical investigation with spiritual wisdom, ultimately aiming to uncover deeper truths about existence and the cosmos.</p>Abdullah Alabdulgader
Copyright (c) 2025 Abdullah Alabdulgader
2025-03-082025-03-08132011510.14738/aivp.132.18403Hospital Waste Generation and Management in Tertiary Health Care Facilities: A Comparative Assessment. Fako Division, Cameroon
<p>Wastes generated in hospitals are highly infectious and pose enormous risk to human health and the environment. This study examines the patterns of healthcare waste generation, handling and compliance to legal standards in two tertiary hospitals: public (PU) and private (RT) in Fako Division, Cameroon. Data was collected for a period of two months. Daily waste produced in each hospital was quantified and characterized as hazardous waste (sharps, infectious and pathological or anatomical waste) and non-hazardous or general healthcare waste. Field visits, site observations, interviews and focus group discussions were carried out with selected hospital administrators and workers. A total of 8461kg and 9609kg of waste was generated in PU and RT respecteively. In PU the waste composition was 95.6% and 4.4% for general and hazardous and 42% and 58% respectively in RT. Waste generated per patient was 0.78 and 0.45 kg/patient/day for PU and RT respectively with significant variation (p=0.013) in weekly outputs in RT. Both facilities adopted a four categories waste segregation policy, although no color coding was used. The onsite incinerator in the public hospital was below standard and rarely used whereas that in the private hospital was satisfactory and used regularly. PU engaged the services of a waste provider unlike in RT in which the entire activity was under the hospital administration. Beside the adoption of safer approaches to waste handling and close compliance with regulations in force the study recommends the adoption of sustainable waste strategies contained in the WASH FIT.</p>Veronica Ebot Manga
Copyright (c) 2025 Veronica Ebot Manga
2025-03-152025-03-15132597110.14738/aivp.132.18383Relationship between Antisocial Behavior and Parenting Style: A Case Study of Some Sampled Secondary Schools in Kisii County in Kenya
<p>Parenting style relates to the methods a person employs to raise their children. Most parents aren't aware of how their parenting style affects their children’s behavior. Parenting style is a contributing factor to children's antisocial behavior. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting style and antisocial behavior in secondary school students. The study included students from public secondary schools in Kisii County. The study used a random sampling technique to select ten schools from Nyaribari Masaba Sub-County in Kisii. Two questionnaires, the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) and the Sub-Types of Antisocial Behavior (STAB), were used to collect data from 200 male (50 urban and 150 rural) and 150 female (50 urban and 100 rural) students. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data, and Pearson r was used to examine the data. The results showed that parents employed integrated parental style at varying degrees of permissive (M=2.75, S.D.=0.52), and authoritarian (M=3.19, S.D.=0.52) respectively. Students perceive mothers as authoritative in parenting style (M=3.22, S.D.=0.61) while fathers (M=3.27, S.D.=0.51). In conclusion, the two main factors that influence students to engage in antisocial behavior are permissive and authoritarian parenting approaches.</p>Kiarie O. MichelAlice A. AnikaEdward LambertRene T. LevelMohammad Shahidul Islam
Copyright (c) 2025 Kiarie O. Michel, Alice A. Anika, Edward Lambert, Rene T. Level, Mohammad Shahidul Islam
2025-03-222025-03-221328410010.14738/aivp.132.18354Design and Kinematic Analysis of Mechanized Rice Transplanting Mechanism
<p>Precise pick and place point of rice transplanting arm is necessary for the efficient production of rice. Literature shows that inaccurate picking and placing points reduces the rice production efficiency by almost 20-30%. This study is made to obtain the path of rice transplanting arm using linkage, determined the path mathematically and designed cam and follower to simulate it. Pump type rice transplanting arms have the problem of links size adjustment, if link lengths are not selected properly, the points of interest are disturbed, hence lowering the efficiency. A detailed kinematic analysis of link lengths, position of coupler points and verification via Grashoff conditions is made in this research, the results of different link lengths with their effect on path of transplanting arm is done, and the best of them is selected and further analyzed. Finally, the pump type transplanting arm is designed, simulated, and tested for different crank angles, position, velocity and acceleration analysis is done. Results from mathematical model and simulation are compared. Two arms-based rice transplanters have been designed, and a prototype is made and tested. The results are close to design parameters.</p>Liaquat Ali KhanM Kamran KhanM Mubashir KaleemMuqtasid RehmanWahaj NasirHuzaifa Liaquat
Copyright (c) 2025 Liaquat Ali Khan, M Kamran Khan, M Mubashir Kaleem, Muqtasid Rehman, Wahaj Nasir, Huzaifa Liaquat