Exploring the Cross-Level Impact of Counseling Satisfaction from the Longitudinal Study of Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of Economically Disadvantaged Students


  • Tseng Chun-Chieh
  • Chang Cheng-Ping




economically disadvantaged students, learning outcome, longitudinal research, counseling satisfaction, cross-level influence


This paper discusses the connotations between the learning outcomes of economically disadvantaged students and time factors. We recruited 1,053 economically disadvantaged students from a private university as participants and collected their mean scores in professional courses for 4 years. After observing the initial learning outcomes and academic growth rates of the students, this study concluded that counseling satisfaction had a cross-level moderating effect on learning outcomes. Additionally, the learning outcomes of economically disadvantaged students in professional courses exhibited decelerating growth with time, whereas cross-level counseling satisfaction had a significant influence and moderating effect on academic growth rate.




How to Cite

Chun-Chieh, T. ., & Cheng-Ping, C. . (2021). Exploring the Cross-Level Impact of Counseling Satisfaction from the Longitudinal Study of Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of Economically Disadvantaged Students. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(6), 515–532. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.86.10443