
  • regina etita ella Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria



Perception, Adults, Men in Nursing


 Nursing despite its advancement, is still widely perceived to be a “female profession”. Globally, this perception has made recruitment and retention of qualified young men into the profession a worldwide challenge. Nigeria is no exception. Understanding the perception of adults about men in nursing will help in identifying misconceptions and information that could be helpful in planning public enlightenment about the profession

Objective: To explore the perception of adults towards men in nursing in Calabar municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria.

Methods: A self-structured questionnaire was administered to 196 adult men and women selected through purposive sampling.

Results: Of the 196 respondents, 169(83.3%) were between the ages of 20-29 years, only 27 (13.8%) were aged 30 and above. Considering gender, male and female were 98(50%) each. Majority 175 (89.5%) were single. 146 (74.5%) had tertiary education whereas 34(17.4%), 2(1%) and 14 (7.1%) had secondary, primary and no education respectively. The result further showed that adults in Calabar municipality have a negative perception of men in nursing:  men in nursing are not as skilful in giving care as women 172(87.4%), men become nurses because they are under achievers 132(67.3%), men in nursing are less compassionate 115 (58.7%)

Society’s’ perception of a man’s touch to be sexual 152(77.6%). society’s consideration that nursing is feminine 109 (55.6%)  and Negative mass media adverts 104(53.0%), were factors that influenced the negative perception of men in nursing.

Conclusions: Adults in Calabar Municipality seems to have a negative perception about men in nursing and this reflects in the limited attraction of men into the nursing profession, even though they appreciate it. These negative perceptions are fuelled by factors such as societal beliefs about nursing and the mass media. There is need to enlighten the public to see nursing as a profession as any other profession that can be practiced by both males and females through public lectures, mass media and projection of nursing roles as both feminine and masculine. Future research is indeed warranted to investigate other key factors that may influence the overall male perception toward the profession of nursing and the impact of these in nursing profession.

Author Biography

regina etita ella, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Associate Professor, Department of Nursing Science, University of Calabar


Abudari M.O Ibrahim A.F Aly A.A (2016) “Men in nursing” as viewed by male students in secondary schools Clinical Nursing Studies 4(2)

Allison, S.T. & Clements, C. (2004). Derogatory stereotypic beliefs and evaluations of male Nurses. Equal Opportunities International, 23(3-5), 162–179.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2012). New AACN data show an Enrolment surge in baccalaureate and graduate programs amid calls for more highly educated nurses. Retrieved August 15, 2015.

Bartfay, W J,Bartfay E, Clow,K A,and Wu T (2010) Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Men in Nursing Education. A peer reviewed publication of the college of Allied Heath and Nursing at Nova South-eastern University dedicated to allied health and professional practice and education. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Http://ijahsp.nova,edu 8(2) ISSN 1540-1580 X

Brennan, I., Falchuk, B., & Murphy, R. (Writers) & Falchuk, B. (Director). (2010). Audition (Television Series Episode). In Brennan, I. (Producer), Glee. Los Angeles, CA: Ryan Murphy Productions & 20th Century Fox Television.

Brown, B., Nolan, P. & Crawford, P. (2006). Men in nursing: ambivalence in care, gender and masculinity. International History of Nursing Journal, 5(3), 4-13

Emmanuel A, Luka G, Goshit J D, Okonkwo L (2015) Perception of Undergraduate

Nursing Students about Nursing Profession: A Study of University of Jos, Nigeria

Equal Opportunities Committee. (2006). page=18838. Retrieved August 15, 2017.

Ertem G, Dönmez CY, Oksel E (2009) Investigation of nursing news in the daily Turkish Newspapers. Maltepe University Nursing Science and E-Journal 2: 70-75

Evans, J. A. (2002). Cautious caregivers: Gender stereotypes and the sexualisation of men nurses’ touch. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(4), 441–448. . [PubMed]

Evans, J. A. (2004) Men nurses: a historical and feminist perspective, Journal of Advance Nursing 47(3), 321–328.

Fisher MJ. (2009) 'Being a Chameleon': labour processes of male nurses performing

bodywork’s Adv Nurs. ;65(12):2668–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05120.x

( PubMed)

Folami F F (2017) Gender Inequality and Role-Strained among Male Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Institution, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Training Studies 5(6) doi:10.11114/jets.v5i6.2435

Fooladi MM. (2003) Gendered nursing education and practice in Iran. J Transcult Nurs. (1):32–38. (PubMed)

Genoa, J. A. (2005). The vision of male nurses: Roles, barriers and stereotypes. Interaction, 23, 4–7.

Grady, C. A., Stewardson, G. A. & Hall, J. L. (2006). Faculty notions regarding caring in male Nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education. 47 (7): 314

Harding, T. (2006). Suspect touch: A problem for men in nursing. Nursing Journal 23

, 28–34.

Jinks, A. M. & Bradley, E. (2004). Angel, handmaiden, battleaxe, or whore? A study which examines changes in newly recruited student nurses’ attitudes to gender and nursing stereotypes. Nurse Education Today, 24(2), 121–127.

Karabacak U, Uslusoy E, Alpar S E, Bahcecik N (2012) Image of Nursing Held by Nursing Students according to gender: A quarterly Study. Int J Nurs Pract 18: 537-544

Keough, B. & O'Lynn, C. (2007). Male nurses' experiences of gender barriers: Irish and American perspectives. Nurse Educator, 32(6), 256-259.

Keshk L I, Mersal F A and Al Hosis K F (2016) Preparatory Students’ Perception about the Nursing Profession and Its Impact on Their Career Choice in Qassim University in KSA. American Journal of Nursing Research 4(3) pp74-82 doi: 10.12691/ajnr-4-3-4 |

Loughery, M. (2008). Just how male are male nurses? Journal of Clinical Nursing,

– 1334.

Lundberg KM, Johnson MC, Corbet C, and Thompson M. (2011) Perspectives on nursing using multimedia interviews to influence career decisions. Nurse Educ. Jan-Feb; 36(1):31-4.

Meads, R. & Toomey, J. (2007). Men in nursing: Making the right choice. The CanadianNurse. 35 (3): 13-60.

Merriam-Webster. (2011). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from

Meyers, S. (2003). Real men choose nursing. Trustee, 17–21.

MistriKinjal S.( 2013) Perception of higher secondary students regarding nursing as a career, College of Nursing, International Journal of Innovative Ideas & Research And

Development. 1(1) S25-26.

Monitoring and Evaluation ( M&E ) Unit, Primary Health Care Department: Calabar

Municipal Local Government Area (2017 statistics).

Murray, M K (2002) the impact of nurse characters in television and movies on adolescent Career choices. University of Kansas Medical Center

Neighbours C (2017) Male Nurses, Men In A Female Dominated Profession: The Perceived Need For Masculinity Maintenance

Neilson GR, McNally J (2013) The negative influence of significant others on high academic achieving school pupil's choice of nursing as a career. Nurse Edu Today 33: 205-209.

Neilson, GR and Lauder, W (2008) What do high academic achieving school pupils really think About a career in nursing: Analysis of the narrative from paradigmatic case interviews, Nurse Educ Today 28: 680-690.

Norwood, S. L. (2001). Invisibility of advanced practice nurses in popular magazines. The Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 3(13), 129–133.

Okeke, O K Perception Still A Challenge For Male Nurses’ Posted: 06/Mar/2017

Onwe, C. New Telegraph Newspaper, Nigeria. 08/Dec/2017

Ozakgul, A A, Asti, T A, Karabay, B, Emir, E and Temeller N (2017) What are the Factors that Affect the Image of Nursing Profession of Turkish High School Students? CLINMED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY. Research article | volume 3, issue 4 open access doi: 10.23937/2469-5823/1510085

Romen, P and Anson, O. (2005). Israeli men in nursing: social and personal motives.

Journal of Nursing Management 13, 173–178.

Scott A, (2007) Exploring Factors Affecting attrition of male students from undergraduate e nursing course: a qualitative study. Nurse Educ Today. 27(4): 325-32. Doi: 10.106/j.nedt.2006.05.013.[PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Stroshine, M., & Brandl, S. (2011). Race, gender, and tokenism in policing: An empirical Elaboration. Police Quarterly, 14(4), 344-365.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, annual averages (Table 11). http://www. Retrieved August 15, 2015

Whittock, M. & Leonard, L. (2003). Stepping outside the stereotype: A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 242–249.

Wolfenden, J. (2011) Men in nursing. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 9 (2)

Yang, C.I., Gau, M.I., Shiau, S.J., Hu, W.H. & Shih, F.J. (2004). Professional career

development for male nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 642–650.

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L , Negarandeh R, Monadi M, & Azadi A (2013) Factors

Influencing Men Entering the Nursing Profession, and Understanding the Challenges

Facedby Them: Iranian and Developed Countries’ Perspectives Nurs Midwifery Stud. ;

(4): 49–56. PMCID: PMC4228905

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Monadi M, Negarandeh R, Azadi A. (2013)

Choosing and remaining in nursing: Iranian male nurses' perspectives. Contemp

Nurse. 45(2):220–227. doi: 10.5172/conu.2013.3665. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Abudari M.O Ibrahim A.F Aly A.A (2016) “Men in nursing” as viewed by male students in secondary schools Clinical Nursing Studies 4(2)

Allison, S.T. & Clements, C. (2004). Derogatory stereotypic beliefs and evaluations of male Nurses. Equal Opportunities International, 23(3-5), 162–179.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2012). New AACN data show an Enrolment surge in baccalaureate and graduate programs amid calls for more highly educated nurses. Retrieved August 15, 2015.

Bartfay, W J,Bartfay E, Clow,K A,and Wu T (2010) Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Men in Nursing Education. A peer reviewed publication of the college of Allied Heath and Nursing at Nova South-eastern University dedicated to allied health and professional practice and education. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Http://ijahsp.nova,edu 8(2) ISSN 1540-1580 X

Brennan, I., Falchuk, B., & Murphy, R. (Writers) & Falchuk, B. (Director). (2010). Audition (Television Series Episode). In Brennan, I. (Producer), Glee. Los Angeles, CA: Ryan Murphy Productions & 20th Century Fox Television.

Brown, B., Nolan, P. & Crawford, P. (2006). Men in nursing: ambivalence in care, gender and masculinity. International History of Nursing Journal, 5(3), 4-13

Emmanuel A, Luka G, Goshit J D, Okonkwo L (2015) Perception of Undergraduate

Nursing Students about Nursing Profession: A Study of University of Jos, Nigeria

Equal Opportunities Committee. (2006). page=18838. Retrieved August 15, 2017.

Ertem G, Dönmez CY, Oksel E (2009) Investigation of nursing news in the daily Turkish Newspapers. Maltepe University Nursing Science and E-Journal 2: 70-75

Evans, J. A. (2002). Cautious caregivers: Gender stereotypes and the sexualisation of men nurses’ touch. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(4), 441–448. . [PubMed]

Evans, J. A. (2004) Men nurses: a historical and feminist perspective, Journal of Advance Nursing 47(3), 321–328.

Fisher MJ. (2009) 'Being a Chameleon': labour processes of male nurses performing

bodywork’s Adv Nurs. ;65(12):2668–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05120.x

( PubMed)

Folami F F (2017) Gender Inequality and Role-Strained among Male Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Institution, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Training Studies 5(6) doi:10.11114/jets.v5i6.2435

Fooladi MM. (2003) Gendered nursing education and practice in Iran. J Transcult Nurs. (1):32–38. (PubMed)

Genoa, J. A. (2005). The vision of male nurses: Roles, barriers and stereotypes. Interaction, 23, 4–7.

Grady, C. A., Stewardson, G. A. & Hall, J. L. (2006). Faculty notions regarding caring in male Nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education. 47 (7): 314

Harding, T. (2006). Suspect touch: A problem for men in nursing. Nursing Journal 23

, 28–34.

Jinks, A. M. & Bradley, E. (2004). Angel, handmaiden, battleaxe, or whore? A study which examines changes in newly recruited student nurses’ attitudes to gender and nursing stereotypes. Nurse Education Today, 24(2), 121–127.

Karabacak U, Uslusoy E, Alpar S E, Bahcecik N (2012) Image of Nursing Held by Nursing Students according to gender: A quarterly Study. Int J Nurs Pract 18: 537-544

Keough, B. & O'Lynn, C. (2007). Male nurses' experiences of gender barriers: Irish and American perspectives. Nurse Educator, 32(6), 256-259.

Keshk L I, Mersal F A and Al Hosis K F (2016) Preparatory Students’ Perception about the Nursing Profession and Its Impact on Their Career Choice in Qassim University in KSA. American Journal of Nursing Research 4(3) pp74-82 doi: 10.12691/ajnr-4-3-4 |

Loughery, M. (2008). Just how male are male nurses? Journal of Clinical Nursing,

– 1334.

Lundberg KM, Johnson MC, Corbet C, and Thompson M. (2011) Perspectives on nursing using multimedia interviews to influence career decisions. Nurse Educ. Jan-Feb; 36(1):31-4.

Meads, R. & Toomey, J. (2007). Men in nursing: Making the right choice. The CanadianNurse. 35 (3): 13-60.

Merriam-Webster. (2011). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from

Meyers, S. (2003). Real men choose nursing. Trustee, 17–21.

MistriKinjal S.( 2013) Perception of higher secondary students regarding nursing as a career, College of Nursing, International Journal of Innovative Ideas & Research And

Development. 1(1) S25-26.

Monitoring and Evaluation ( M&E ) Unit, Primary Health Care Department: Calabar

Municipal Local Government Area (2017 statistics).

Murray, M K (2002) the impact of nurse characters in television and movies on adolescent Career choices. University of Kansas Medical Center

Neighbours C (2017) Male Nurses, Men In A Female Dominated Profession: The Perceived Need For Masculinity Maintenance

Neilson GR, McNally J (2013) The negative influence of significant others on high academic achieving school pupil's choice of nursing as a career. Nurse Edu Today 33: 205-209.

Neilson, GR and Lauder, W (2008) What do high academic achieving school pupils really think About a career in nursing: Analysis of the narrative from paradigmatic case interviews, Nurse Educ Today 28: 680-690.

Norwood, S. L. (2001). Invisibility of advanced practice nurses in popular magazines. The Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 3(13), 129–133.

Okeke, O K Perception Still A Challenge For Male Nurses’ Posted: 06/Mar/2017

Onwe, C. New Telegraph Newspaper, Nigeria. 08/Dec/2017

Ozakgul, A A, Asti, T A, Karabay, B, Emir, E and Temeller N (2017) What are the Factors that Affect the Image of Nursing Profession of Turkish High School Students? CLINMED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY. Research article | volume 3, issue 4 open access doi: 10.23937/2469-5823/1510085

Romen, P and Anson, O. (2005). Israeli men in nursing: social and personal motives.

Journal of Nursing Management 13, 173–178.

Scott A, (2007) Exploring Factors Affecting attrition of male students from undergraduate e nursing course: a qualitative study. Nurse Educ Today. 27(4): 325-32. Doi: 10.106/j.nedt.2006.05.013.[PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Stroshine, M., & Brandl, S. (2011). Race, gender, and tokenism in policing: An empirical Elaboration. Police Quarterly, 14(4), 344-365.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, annual averages (Table 11). http://www. Retrieved August 15, 2015

Whittock, M. & Leonard, L. (2003). Stepping outside the stereotype: A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 242–249.

Wolfenden, J. (2011) Men in nursing. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 9 (2)

Yang, C.I., Gau, M.I., Shiau, S.J., Hu, W.H. & Shih, F.J. (2004). Professional career

development for male nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 642–650.

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L , Negarandeh R, Monadi M, & Azadi A (2013) Factors

Influencing Men Entering the Nursing Profession, and Understanding the Challenges

Facedby Them: Iranian and Developed Countries’ Perspectives Nurs Midwifery Stud. ;

(4): 49–56. PMCID: PMC4228905

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Monadi M, Negarandeh R, Azadi A. (2013)

Choosing and remaining in nursing: Iranian male nurses' perspectives. Contemp

Nurse. 45(2):220–227. doi: 10.5172/conu.2013.3665. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Abudari M.O Ibrahim A.F Aly A.A (2016) “Men in nursing” as viewed by male students in secondary schools Clinical Nursing Studies 4(2)

Allison, S.T. & Clements, C. (2004). Derogatory stereotypic beliefs and evaluations of male Nurses. Equal Opportunities International, 23(3-5), 162–179.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2012). New AACN data show an Enrolment surge in baccalaureate and graduate programs amid calls for more highly educated nurses. Retrieved August 15, 2015.

Bartfay, W J,Bartfay E, Clow,K A,and Wu T (2010) Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Men in Nursing Education. A peer reviewed publication of the college of Allied Heath and Nursing at Nova South-eastern University dedicated to allied health and professional practice and education. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Http://ijahsp.nova,edu 8(2) ISSN 1540-1580 X

Brennan, I., Falchuk, B., & Murphy, R. (Writers) & Falchuk, B. (Director). (2010). Audition (Television Series Episode). In Brennan, I. (Producer), Glee. Los Angeles, CA: Ryan Murphy Productions & 20th Century Fox Television.

Brown, B., Nolan, P. & Crawford, P. (2006). Men in nursing: ambivalence in care, gender and masculinity. International History of Nursing Journal, 5(3), 4-13

Emmanuel A, Luka G, Goshit J D, Okonkwo L (2015) Perception of Undergraduate

Nursing Students about Nursing Profession: A Study of University of Jos, Nigeria

Equal Opportunities Committee. (2006). page=18838. Retrieved August 15, 2017.

Ertem G, Dönmez CY, Oksel E (2009) Investigation of nursing news in the daily Turkish Newspapers. Maltepe University Nursing Science and E-Journal 2: 70-75

Evans, J. A. (2002). Cautious caregivers: Gender stereotypes and the sexualisation of men nurses’ touch. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(4), 441–448. . [PubMed]

Evans, J. A. (2004) Men nurses: a historical and feminist perspective, Journal of Advance Nursing 47(3), 321–328.

Fisher MJ. (2009) 'Being a Chameleon': labour processes of male nurses performing

bodywork’s Adv Nurs. ;65(12):2668–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05120.x

( PubMed)

Folami F F (2017) Gender Inequality and Role-Strained among Male Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Institution, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Training Studies 5(6) doi:10.11114/jets.v5i6.2435

Fooladi MM. (2003) Gendered nursing education and practice in Iran. J Transcult Nurs. (1):32–38. (PubMed)

Genoa, J. A. (2005). The vision of male nurses: Roles, barriers and stereotypes. Interaction, 23, 4–7.

Grady, C. A., Stewardson, G. A. & Hall, J. L. (2006). Faculty notions regarding caring in male Nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education. 47 (7): 314

Harding, T. (2006). Suspect touch: A problem for men in nursing. Nursing Journal 23

, 28–34.

Jinks, A. M. & Bradley, E. (2004). Angel, handmaiden, battleaxe, or whore? A study which examines changes in newly recruited student nurses’ attitudes to gender and nursing stereotypes. Nurse Education Today, 24(2), 121–127.

Karabacak U, Uslusoy E, Alpar S E, Bahcecik N (2012) Image of Nursing Held by Nursing Students according to gender: A quarterly Study. Int J Nurs Pract 18: 537-544

Keough, B. & O'Lynn, C. (2007). Male nurses' experiences of gender barriers: Irish and American perspectives. Nurse Educator, 32(6), 256-259.

Keshk L I, Mersal F A and Al Hosis K F (2016) Preparatory Students’ Perception about the Nursing Profession and Its Impact on Their Career Choice in Qassim University in KSA. American Journal of Nursing Research 4(3) pp74-82 doi: 10.12691/ajnr-4-3-4 |

Loughery, M. (2008). Just how male are male nurses? Journal of Clinical Nursing,

– 1334.

Lundberg KM, Johnson MC, Corbet C, and Thompson M. (2011) Perspectives on nursing using multimedia interviews to influence career decisions. Nurse Educ. Jan-Feb; 36(1):31-4.

Meads, R. & Toomey, J. (2007). Men in nursing: Making the right choice. The CanadianNurse. 35 (3): 13-60.

Merriam-Webster. (2011). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from

Meyers, S. (2003). Real men choose nursing. Trustee, 17–21.

MistriKinjal S.( 2013) Perception of higher secondary students regarding nursing as a career, College of Nursing, International Journal of Innovative Ideas & Research And

Development. 1(1) S25-26.

Monitoring and Evaluation ( M&E ) Unit, Primary Health Care Department: Calabar

Municipal Local Government Area (2017 statistics).

Murray, M K (2002) the impact of nurse characters in television and movies on adolescent Career choices. University of Kansas Medical Center

Neighbours C (2017) Male Nurses, Men In A Female Dominated Profession: The Perceived Need For Masculinity Maintenance

Neilson GR, McNally J (2013) The negative influence of significant others on high academic achieving school pupil's choice of nursing as a career. Nurse Edu Today 33: 205-209.

Neilson, GR and Lauder, W (2008) What do high academic achieving school pupils really think About a career in nursing: Analysis of the narrative from paradigmatic case interviews, Nurse Educ Today 28: 680-690.

Norwood, S. L. (2001). Invisibility of advanced practice nurses in popular magazines. The Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 3(13), 129–133.

Okeke, O K Perception Still A Challenge For Male Nurses’ Posted: 06/Mar/2017

Onwe, C. New Telegraph Newspaper, Nigeria. 08/Dec/2017

Ozakgul, A A, Asti, T A, Karabay, B, Emir, E and Temeller N (2017) What are the Factors that Affect the Image of Nursing Profession of Turkish High School Students? CLINMED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY. Research article | volume 3, issue 4 open access doi: 10.23937/2469-5823/1510085

Romen, P and Anson, O. (2005). Israeli men in nursing: social and personal motives.

Journal of Nursing Management 13, 173–178.

Scott A, (2007) Exploring Factors Affecting attrition of male students from undergraduate e nursing course: a qualitative study. Nurse Educ Today. 27(4): 325-32. Doi: 10.106/j.nedt.2006.05.013.[PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Stroshine, M., & Brandl, S. (2011). Race, gender, and tokenism in policing: An empirical Elaboration. Police Quarterly, 14(4), 344-365.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, annual averages (Table 11). http://www. Retrieved August 15, 2015

Whittock, M. & Leonard, L. (2003). Stepping outside the stereotype: A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 242–249.

Wolfenden, J. (2011) Men in nursing. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 9 (2)

Yang, C.I., Gau, M.I., Shiau, S.J., Hu, W.H. & Shih, F.J. (2004). Professional career

development for male nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 642–650.

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L , Negarandeh R, Monadi M, & Azadi A (2013) Factors

Influencing Men Entering the Nursing Profession, and Understanding the Challenges

Facedby Them: Iranian and Developed Countries’ Perspectives Nurs Midwifery Stud. ;

(4): 49–56. PMCID: PMC4228905

Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Monadi M, Negarandeh R, Azadi A. (2013)

Choosing and remaining in nursing: Iranian male nurses' perspectives. Contemp

Nurse. 45(2):220–227. doi: 10.5172/conu.2013.3665. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]




How to Cite

ella, regina etita. (2018). PERCEPTION OF ADULTS TOWARDS MEN IN NURSING IN CALABAR MUNICIPALITY CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(4).