Videoscene as a possibility of scenic time resignification and expansion


  • Mariana Baruco Machado Andraus University of Campinas



This work aims to discuss the notion of narrativity in dance from three pieces in which videoscenes were used as a resource for resignifying time perception in the scene. In each of them, the usage of video has a distinct function: in one of them, it represents memories of the main character; In another, it portrays the character's pregnancy; In the third, it has two distinct functions: at times it functions as a flashback and, at other times, to represent the hallucination of the character in a feverish state. From these experiences, the developed proposal is that the projection of a videoscene over the live-action scene helped, in these pieces, the design of dramaturgic dance scripts that favored the fusion of scene with life, bringing the story closer to a "real" chronology – which is called, in this work, of “time resignifying the scene”, as an expansion of the scenic time.

Author Biography

Mariana Baruco Machado Andraus, University of Campinas

Professor at Perfoming Arts Postgraduate Program and at Dance Undergraduate Course of University of Campinas.




How to Cite

Andraus, M. B. M. (2018). Videoscene as a possibility of scenic time resignification and expansion. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(7).