Brand awareness as predictors of repurchase intention: Brand attitude as a moderator


  • Nurlaely Razak School of economics Bongaya
  • Orfyanny Syahreffy Themba School of economics Bongaya
  • Herman Sjahruddin



brand awareness, brand attitude, repurchase intention, consumer characteristics


This study empirically investigates the moderating effect of brand attitude on the relationship between brand awareness and repurchases intention. The study proposes that the brand attitude acts as a quasi-moderator of the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention. The results support the predictions of the study. The results indicate that brand attitude moderates the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention such that when brand attitude is high, the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention is positive, and vice versa, when the brand attitude is low, the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention is negative.   Furthermore, the results reveal that brand awareness and brand attitude has a positive relationship to repurchase intention. In other exploration results, found consumer-specific characteristics affect brand awareness. Consumer characteristics (e.g., ages, gender, and frequency of consumption (in times per month)) are not significantly and positively related to brand awareness, furthermore consumer characteristics is significantly and positively related to brand attitude


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How to Cite

Razak, N., Themba, O. S., & Sjahruddin, H. (2019). Brand awareness as predictors of repurchase intention: Brand attitude as a moderator. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(2), 541–554.