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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol.7, No.9

Publication Date: September 25, 2020


Soewita, D., Syamsudin, A., Gintings, A., & Iriantara, H. Y. (2020). The Implementation of Learning Quality Management in Increasing

Graduates Quality. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(9) 654-663.

The Implementation of Learning Quality Management in Increasing

Graduates Quality

Daud Soewita

Postgraduate School,

Universitas Islam Nusantara

Abin Syamsudin

Profesor, Post Graduate School

Universitas Islam Nusantara

Abdorrakhman Gintings

Professor, Education Policy,

Universitas Faletehan.

Dr. H. Yousal Iriantara

M.M.Pd., Lecturer, Post Graduate School

Universitas Islam Nusantara


This research aims to describe the implementation of planning,

organizing, learning execution, and evaluation of learning outcomes

based on information and computer technology at SMAN 5, SMK N 10,

SMAN N 11 of Tangerang Regency. The programs to improve the

learning quality in these 3 high schools were conducted continuously

through programs of enhancing the teachers’ competency based on

information and communication technology (ICT). Teachers as

educators generally have interesting ideas and innovations in teaching

by implementing ICT when compiling, executing, and evaluating

learning outcomes. ICT-based learning seemed more dynamic,

interactive, flexible, and interesting for the students. Educators

searched for strategies in teaching-learning process by deploying

inspiring techniques for the talented students. The students interested

with the learning materials could interact with the teachers intensively,

not only at the learning time. The quality management of technology- based education was a profound learning for the educators and

education staff. This was because they acquired knowledge and

understanding in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the

sources of education in order to effectively, efficiently, autonomously

achieve the education targets and to produce quality they were proud


Keywords: learning, information and technology based, graduate quality.

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URL: 655

Soewita, D., Syamsudin, A., Gintings, A., & Iriantara, H. Y. (2020). The Implementation of Learning Quality Management in Increasing Graduates Quality.

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(9) 654-663.


The success of education system may be viewed from its graduates. Competences achieved are in

line with the related learning curriculum. Meanwhile, the successful learning is related to the

teachers and their mastery on the competences, which are the objectives of the learning. The

graduates of Senior High School (SMA) are prepared to enter Higher Education, meanwhile the

graduates of Vocational High School (SMK) are prepared to be work force of business and industrial

sectors. This is why the measure of success of both school systems is relatively different. The

number of graduates accepted in higher education institution can be made as a success indicator of

school system of SMA. On the other hand, the success indicator of SMK can be viewed from the

percentage of the graduates who work or who become entrepreneurs.

Quality of the graduates affects the absorption of labor force. Goetsech (2000) states that employers

quickly absorb the qualified graduates with great skill and productivity to compete in various job

vacancies. Thus, schools should be able to produce graduates who are able to answer challenges for

the needs of future Human Resources. According to indicators to see a nation’s development is its

excellent human resources, which can compete in the education or in the job there are 3

components to consider together: (1) ability to fulfill customers’ wants, (2) focus on the resulted

products; (3) continuous adaptation over demands for changes to dynamically move in order to

maintain customers’ satisfaction.

Education quality becomes something that cannot be underestimated by the school management.

How the customers feel satisfied, how the educational institutions are able to bring innovations that

satisfy the customers. A product is said to be qualified when it can provide satisfaction to the

customers. Customers appreciate every school institution and assess the products resulted in the

middle of competitions with other institutions.

Vocational Schools are still facing problems related to the qualitative and quantitative equalities.

Qualitative equality happens because the rapid technology development in industry causes gaps

between the competence the vocational school graduates have and the competence the industries

need. Meanwhile qualitative equality happens because there is inequality between the available job

vacancies and the education outputs who are searching for jobs.

There were researches related to education quality that the good school standards brought up

alternative aspects and indicators to determine the quality education. Education quality depended

on the teachers, adequate education process of teacher candidates (Puustinen, Santti, Koski, and

Tammi, 2018), induction process and continuous development of profession (Avalos, 2011). Thus,

it is interesting to deeply examine on how the executing system can guarantee the quality of the

graduates, strategies to achieve schools’ quality in order to improve their graduates’, and the

impacts resulted from the internal quality guarantee system.

Government issued the quality standards of education on Law of National Education System

Number 20 of 2003, which came along with other policies such as Government Regulation (PP) no.

19 of 2005, Minister Education Regulation Number 22, 23, and 24 of 2006 which are related to the

management of education system in Indonesia, which were directed to execute autonomous

education management. Schools are autonomously expected to implement open principles and

transparent management to improve quality. Openness/transparency is shown in decision-making,

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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol.7, Issue 9, September-2020

planning and executing activities, using the funds, etc. Schools are required to continuously evaluate

and improve in order to increase the quality of students and the schools progressively and entirely.

Continuous improvement should be a habit for the school. There is no day without improvement.

Thus, there should be fixed quality system used as guide for improvement. The quality system must

involve organization, responsibility, procedure, process, and source to implement quality


One of problems faced by Indonesia is the low quality of education, especially in the elementary and

middle educations. The gaps between quality of education and qualification of required work force

by the working world indicate the fundamental weakness of middle education. This shows that

there should be ground and continuous connection and congruity between the education process

in middle schools and continuous processes in working world.

Based on the ideas and problems faced by the middle schools currently, it is considered important

to examine the management of quality improvement for the graduates of middle schools based on

information and communication technology, which are viewed from satisfaction level of the

stakeholders and performance of the educators.


Literature Review

Many nations in the world believe that education plays enormous roles to develop their countries.

As a planned effort, education institutions carry three functions, these are: (1) education functions

to improve students’ creativities; (2) education functions to inherit values to the students; and (3)

education functions to improve productive working ability of the students (Muhadjir, 1987, pp. 20-

25). Education involves teaching of specific skills and also something invisible but deeper, they are

providing knowledge, consideration, and wisdom. Education is the cornerstone to establish,

prepare, build, and develop the ability of human resources, which really determine the success of

future development. Education is also the cornerstone for growing unity of the nation with highly

civilized people.

The aims of National Education as stated on Law Number 20 of 2003 about National Education

System, Article 3: “National Education functions to improve the ability and to establish characters

and dignified national civilization in order to educate the national life; to develop the potential of

students so they can be faithful, God-fearing, noble, healthy, skilled, creative, independent

According to Stoner, management is process of planning, organizing, observing, guiding, and

monitoring the efforts of organization’s members and deploying other organization’s sources in

order to achieve the set targets. Meanwhile, in school context, school management is actually the

application of management science in schools. When we apply the term ‘management’ in

government, it becomes government management; in education, it becomes the education

management, and so on.

Mulyasa (2011), who cites the Department of National Education, states that quality can be defined

as an entire picture and characteristic of goods and services which show its ability to satisfy the

expected or implied needs. In the context of education, the definition of quality includes input,

process, and output of education. In the world of education, quality does not happen spontaneously.