Representation of the kinematics of the natural trihedral of a spiral-helix trajectory by quaternion matrices
Quaternion matrices; hodograph; spiral-helix trajectory; natural trihedral; kinematics; curvature, torsion, Frenet- Serret formulas.Abstract
The spiral-helix trajectory of the transport vehicle programmed motion in the form of a hodograph in the stationary frame of reference is considered. A relative frame of reference associated with the natural trihedral of the trajectory is introduced. The formulas of curvature and torsion of the trajectory, the unit vector of the natural trihedral, the components of the angular velocity of rotation of the natural trihedral in the proper axes and in the stationary frame of reference are set in the quaternionic matrices. The results are verified using the Frenet-Serret formulas. The mathematical apparatus of quaternion matrices is tested with the aim of adapting spatial, nonlinear problems of dynamic design of transport vehicles to a computational experiment.
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