Contribution of components of Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing in Green Supply Chain Performance measurement-A Pilot Empirical Study of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector
Automobile, CFA, Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing, Green Supply Chain Performance, Green Supply Chain Practices, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Pilot StudyAbstract
This paper is one of the several extensions of the research works done by [5]. Green Supply Chain Practices have been known to have an impact on Green Supply Chain Performance [5].This paper tests empirically through a pilot study of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector, the contribution of the four variables constituting the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing in Green Supply Chain Performance measurement. Also the paper establishes the reliability of the questionnaire instrument developed previously for measuring the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing and also for measuring the reliability of the four variables that constitute the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing. Further the paper establishes the correlation among these four variables. Finally this paper conducts Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to arrive at a single factor (linear combination of four variables constituting the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing) to aid in measuring the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing. Finally the paper establishes the order of contribution of the four variables constituting the construct Green Supply Chain Execution-Marketing.
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